Real Talk – Is Caffeine Good or Bad for You?

Is Caffeine Good or Bad for You? | by The Luxi Look

The other day, it dawned upon me that my habit of downing 3 shots of espresso upon waking up might be a problem. A quick Google search showed me that I may be teetering the line of caffeine addiction. Like anyone in denial of a bad habit, I made a laundry list of reasons justifying why my behavior is fine. But I also wanted to know more about the science behind caffeine. Is it actually good or bad for you? How much is too much? Is the right amount none? What are the negative side effects? And how the F do you know if you’re addicted or have a problem? I think a lot of us drink coffee mindlessly and it’s probably okay. To be honest, I think there are much worse vices out there. Here’s what I found on caffeine – the good and bad.

What are the effects of caffeine on the body?

According to the Food and Drug Administration, better known as the FDA, caffeine is a stimulant. It’s actually considered a food and a drug. And they say it’s addictive. Most commonly, it is consumed to wake us up or give us energy.

Some research has shown that moderate amounts of caffeine can actually be beneficial to the body – because it is a stimulant, it can help with improving weight loss (may work as an appetite suppressant), mental function, and alertness. Some studies also suggest caffeine may be good for memory, athletic performance, and even going as far as saying it can reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s.

The not so good effects of caffeine – it’s addictive and highly acidic, which can cause heartburn or digestive issues. It raises blood pressure, and too much can be bad for pregnancy and fertility. In extremely high amounts, it can be fatal.

How much caffeine is in my favorite drink?

Caffeine actually occurs naturally in some foods – tea and coffee are the most common ones that we consume. It’s also found in cacao beans (chocolate!) and yerba mate. To give you a sense of how much caffeine is in common beverages –

+ An 8 ounce cup of coffee has between 95 to 200 mg

+ A shot of espresso has about 80 mg

+ Black tea has between 60-90 mg of caffeine, while green tea has between 35-70 mg. Herbal teas do not have caffeine

+ Energy drinks can have up to 240 mg

Ok, how much caffeine is too much? | by The Luxi Look

Ok, how much caffeine is too much?

The FDA recommends people not to consume more than 400mg of caffeine a day. That translates to about 4-5 cups of coffee. Most of us should be ok, but it’s definitely something to keep in mind. The long term effects of too much caffeine aren’t super clear. If you’re not sure if you are consuming too much caffeine, definitely talk to your doctor. A cup of coffee or two in the morning  out of habit is probably fine – but if you’re relying on it as a crutch, it may be time to revisit your relationship with this.

How do I know if I have a caffeine addiction?

If you feel anxious, irritable, and tired without your cup of coffee, you may have an addiction. Try going without it for a week and see how your body responds. Some people get piercing headaches – me, I get sleepy and need to take a nap around 3pm. If you think you might be consuming too much caffeine, it might not be a bad idea to do a “caffeine detox” – if you’re brave enough to go cold turkey. Even cutting back to just one cup a day can make a difference.

While the jury’s out on whether caffeine is definitely “good” or “bad” for you… I say, keep calm and coffee on. What are your thoughts on caffeine?

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3 Discussion to this post

  1. Elizabeth T. says:

    I definitely get headaches when I’m not drinking coffee! Hahaha thank you so much for sharing all of this information about our slight addiction to coffee!

    XO, Elizabeth T.

  2. Briana says:

    I really do not like coffee but I like teas and certain cappuchinos so I still liked learning about this!


  3. quite educational, thank you. I do love my cup of coffee in the morning. I try not to drink too much, max 2 a day. As much as I would like to break this habit I do love a taste of coffee way too much! xx


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