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Making friends as an adult is hard. I ran into this situation when I moved to LA a few years ago. When I left my close group of girlfriends in Chicago I felt alone in a new city. I didn’t know many people in LA. So I quickly realized that unless I wanted to spend every free moment with my boyfriend, I needed to make new friends. I felt lucky that I had my boyfriend to support me while I went through the transition of moving to a new city, but at the end of the day there’s nothing like having a group of girlfriends to go out with and have your back.

The problem was, I never had to make friends as an adult. After college, most of my close friends stayed in Chicago and we would meet other people through our jobs and mutual acquaintances. Moving to LA was in many senses starting over and rebuilding my social circle. It involved a lot of “friend dates” and different people coming and going over the years – in many ways, it’s like romantic dating. You meet through mutual friends or go in blind, and feel each other out. Sometimes it becomes something more, other times you never see each other again. You have to put yourself out there and be ok with rejection, giving more than you receive, and getting hurt. Here’s the advice I received on how to make friends as an adult, and what actually worked.

Making Friends as an Adult | by The Luxi Look

Use your network

The easiest ways to meet friends are the same as the easiest ways to meet a significant other. The people you spend the most time with naturally are likely to end up as your friends. This means school, your job, and your existing friends. I met a lot of people through my job and the people I did know in LA, which I appreciated because it led me to some people I consider my close friends today.

Say yes to everything 

As someone who is naturally introverted and doesn’t feel FOMO often, this was hard for me. But saying “yes” to plans means you’ll get out of the house, socialize, and meet new people. You won’t meet people if you don’t put yourself out there. If you always turn down plans, one day people will stop asking.

Be open minded

People often can surprise you when you get to know them better. Letting go of judgement and opening myself up to people that were different from me really helped me meet some of my closest friends.

Make the first move

This is not the time to be proud and wait for someone else to extend the invitation. Once I started meeting more people, I realized that a lot of people have trouble making friends as an adult, and most people were more than happy to meet someone new or different.

Find shared interests

Somewhat obvious, but still very important. Shared interests matter because it gives you something to do and enjoy together! Blogging has been a great way for me to meet new people, and I’ve met some of my closest friends through social media and blogging, including Linda of Kangthropologie photographed here. I never thought I would say this, but I’m so appreciative of social media for opening my eyes to so many new experiences and introducing me to so many people.

Find shared values

Shared interests can spark a new friendship, but shared values and beliefs grow and sustain your relationship.

How have you made friends as an adult? xx



If you’re not changing your skincare products seasonally, you may want to start switching it up. Our skincare needs are different based on where we live and what season it is, so it’s important to be adjusting your routine throughout the year. I’m constantly testing new products for the blog, and these are the products that have really made a difference in my skin’s appearance and texture.

April Skincare Obsessions:

1. Drunk Elephant Eye Cream

If you’re wondering if Drunk Elephant products are worth the price, the answer is a resounding YES! I’ve really liked every product I’ve tried from them, especially this eye cream. I use just a little around my eyes before bedtime and in the morning, and I’ve noticed a huge difference in my dark circles. Vitamin C is an active ingredient in this concentrated serum, I swear it almost instantly brightens up your eyes!

2. Dr. Jart Sleep Mask

Slather this mask on your face before going to bed and wake up with baby soft skin. Nothing better than waking up with completely moisturized and refreshed skin. This works wonders on my dry skin, but if you have oilier skin you might want to skip this product as it might be too moisturizing.

3. Peter Thomas Roth Gel Eye Patches

My girlfriend introduced these to me when we both took red eye flights to NYC last year. These eye patches worked miracles on my tired eyes and helped me look way more awake than I felt. These are absolute life savers.

4. Dr. Dennis Gross Peel Pads

I cannot get enough of these peel pads!! When I’m feeling lazy or don’t time for a full on facial (which is all the time these days…), I use these peel pads and can feel them working magic on my skin. I use these every other day, but they’re gentle enough for daily use. I love the way my skin looks and feels after I use these pads.

5. Kiehl’s Vitamin C Concentrate

As a longtime lover of all Kiehl’s products, this new addition to their line is no exception! I have my boyfriend hooked on this serum as well, which is packed with Vitamin C and hyaluronic acid, and helps to reduce fine lines and wrinkles.

6. Coola Sunscreen

The best smelling sunscreen you will ever use, provides full coverage with an easy to use spray bottle that stays on and protects your skin all day.

BREAKFAST and I have a complicated relationship.

For a long time, I never ate breakfast during the week. I used every excuse under the sun: I was too busy in the morning, I wasn’t hungry right when I woke up, I might as well save the calories for later in the day.

Then I learned about intermittent fasting, and I thought: “This is perfect. It totally fits into my eating philosophy and works with my lifestyle.” SO I would eat dinner after work and wouldn’t eat my first meal until lunchtime the next day. Nothing against intermittent fasting (I think it can totally work, and I had a great experience doing it), but I have grown to LOVE breakfast.

These days I need breakfast.

The reason for my complete 180 is simple – I tend to workout in the mornings, so I want to quickly refuel my body afterward (especially after an intense HIIT class!). The problem is, life still gets in the way / I’m not always as prepared as I would like, so I still end up skipping breakfast from time to time, despite my best intentions. I am really working on this because I truly believe breakfast is an important meal, especially if you’re a morning person/exercise in the morning like me! That’s why I am all about the EASY grab and go breakfast options for the weekdays. Between a couple go-to meals I can make in advance and grab on my way out the door, or options I can pick up on my way to the office, there are now zero excuses for me not to eat breakfast.

Why breakfast matters

Arguments in favor of breakfast and why it’s the most important meal of the day:

+ It gets your metabolism going.

+ Breakfast stabilizes blood sugar levels and prevents your body from going into holding onto fat in starvation mode.

+ Eating a satisfying and well balanced breakfast can help counter cravings and overeating later in the day.

+ Starting the day off on a healthy note encourages healthier choices throughout the day.

+ Breakfast can help improve focus and mental acuity – a must if you’re in school or have a long day of work ahead of you.

Easy breakfast options to make at home

+ Eggs. If you’re not vegan, eggs should be one of your go to sources of fuel and protein in the morning. In my opinion, eggs are basically a perfect food. One large egg packs 7 grams of protein and only 80 calories. Don’t skip the yolk, either – it’s full of heart healthy fats. They’re also easy on your wallet if you are trying to watch your budget. If I have time in the morning I like to make two soft scrambled eggs and eat them with toast and avocado. If I’m in a rush, I’ll make soft boiled eggs in advance and pack a couple to take with me to work. They make great afternoon snacks too and help fight any cravings for junk food you might have.

+ Oatmeal. Oatmeal for breakfast doesn’t have to be boring! I ate overnight oats for breakfast almost every single morning for over a year! Oats are a great source of complex carbohydrates to give your body the energy it needs to get going in the morning. If I’m eating at home, I’ll take the time to make steel cut oats with almond milk over the stove and mix in almond butter and berries for a “healthy PB&J oatmeal.” If you need something faster, make overnight oats! These can be made the night before and are a perfect grab and go option.

Easy Overnight Oats:

  • 1/2 cup oats
  • 3/4 – 1 cup milk (I prefer almond milk)

Mix together and keep in a covered container in fridge overnight. In the morning, add whatever mix-ins you like – nut butters, banana, fresh or frozen berries, chia seeds, hemp seeds, greek yogurt, any sweetener you prefer. The combinations are endless!

+ Smoothies – the definition of a grab and go breakfast. If you’re super pressed for time, you can even freeze Ziploc bags with ingredients for a single smoothie. Then blend them in the morning before you head out of the house. I make different kinds of smoothies depending on my own, but here is one of my go-to protein smoothies that I love to make after an early morning workout.

+ Toast – I keep a loaf of Ezekiel bread in the freezer at home and at my office so I can make toast whenever the mood strikes. If I’m feeling savory, I’ll make my own avocado toast with sea salt, lemon juice, and chili flakes. When I want something sweet, I go for almond butter with banana and honey OR almond butter and natural jam. It never gets old!

Easy breakfast options to pick up

If you’re REALLY short on time or just do not feel like making breakfast (this happens at least 1x a week), a quick trip to the grocery store or your local Starbucks can make your morning. Some of my favorite picks:

+ Individual servings of Greek Yogurt

+ Pre-made juice or smoothies

+ Berries

+ Banana or apple with almond butter

+ Sous vide egg bites at Starbucks

+ Starbucks oatmeal

+ Starbucks egg white breakfast sandwiches and wraps (sometimes I’ll remove half the bread if I’m not feeling the carbs)

Luckily in LA, there are so many easy + healthy options I can pick up on my way to the office! My favorites are Erewhon, Whole Foods, and Earthbar, but you can never go wrong with Starbucks! (+ you can find Starbucks just about anywhere in the world).

So there you have it – absolutely zero reasons to skip breakfast! You can start your day off on the right foot without spending tons of time in the kitchen. Making breakfast a priority can be super easy – it just takes a little preparation and planning ahead! What are your favorite easy + healthy breakfasts?

Remember the detox tea craze a few years ago? For a while, there were all these teas being promoted on Instagram that claimed to help you lose weight while detoxing your body.

The truth about those tea-toxes?

If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. As nice as it would be to have a miracle liquid that would instantly help you loose weight and flatten your stomach, the reality is many “detox teas” on the market are not what they appear to be. Many of them contain (not so) mild laxatives, which might help you lose weight in the short term (because they are literally emptying you out), but are not good for you in the long run (your body can become dependent on laxatives). Personally, I am not a fan of the tea detox, and prefer more natural alternatives to “detoxing.” Lots of water, greens, and natural detox teas.

There are so many types of teas with so many different health benefits –  tea is so good for you! I could go on and on about all of the health benefits of drinking tea. Tea was always a staple in my home growing up – I loved jasmine, ginger, and green tea and would drink it all day. Today, I have an entire cabinet dedicated to different kinds of teas that I drink on different days. When I’ve had an indulgent meal or two, I turn to detox teas to help me feel better. Same goes for when I’ve had too much booze over the weekend. There’s nothing worse than feeling bloated or having tummy troubles – but a good cup of “detox” tea helps so much!

I keep a stash of tea at my desk as well. On Mondays, I’ll make myself a cup of “detox” tea and drink this throughout the day. I say “detox” lightly, because these aren’t like the detox teas you see on Instagram – they don’t “detox” your insides per se, but they do help stimulate digestion and balance your body. These are the best natural detox teas I always keep stocked in my cabinet that I absolutely love.

Benefits of “Detox” Teas

Detox teas typically contain ingredients such as ginger root, licorice, hibiscus, burdock, and dandelion  root. These ingredients can help with repairing leaky gut and improving liver functions. They are also anti inflammatory, help boost your immune system, and can help aid with weight loss. I love sipping on tea throughout the day because I swear it helps with bloating and cravings. If I am craving something unhealthy, I always try to chug water and drink tea because 1. you might just be dehydrated and 2. tea can help curb cravings and suppress your appetite.

Detox teas tend to be herbal teas without any caffeine, so they are safe to sip throughout the day. and even at night before going to sleep Of course, you can never go wrong with loose leaf green tea (so many antioxidants!) – but these are the specific teas I drink to “detox” my body.

What Teas are Good for Detox:


Dandelion is more than just a yard weed! In fact, dandelion root is a popular ingredient used in detox teas. Believe it or not, dandelion flowers are filled with healthy nutrients. Plus, you can receive all of the benefits of from just a single tea bag! If you’re looking to do a one day detox, you definitely want to incorporate dandelion tea. Some of the benefits of this tea include: detoxification, cleansing the liver, aiding in weight loss and suppressing appetite, improving digestion, and balancing blood sugar. The taste is strong, but I swear after sipping on a cup of this tea, I feel so much better and lighter.


From the first time I tried fennel tea, I have been hooked. Fennel naturally helps with bloating and digestion, and one cup of fennel tea can almost instantly shrink your stomach. In fact, Heather’s Tummy Tea is a must have in my purse and travel bag. Stomach and digestion problems happen, and bloating is a fact of life when you travel or have a bad meal. I tell everyone I know about this miracle tea!

Yogi Detox

The name says it all! Yogi makes several varieties of detox teas that are chock full of different detoxifying herbs. They include: cinnamon bark, ginger root, cardamom pod, licorice root, clove bud, orange peel, dandelion root, and more. The taste is a little strong and intense, but one tea bag and stretch for several cups of tea, and you honestly feel like your insides are being cleansed.

Lemon & Ginger

This is a homemade tea that is delicious and easy to make any time of day. Hot water with lemon is so good for you (one of the best ways to start your day). It instantly gets things moving, if you know what I mean. Lemon is also a diuretic, which helps with bloating and detoxification. When I feel a tickle in my throat, one of the first things I do is brew a big pot of tea with the juice from a whole lemon, several slices of ginger, honey, and as much cayenne pepper as I can handle. So easy to make yourself and it tastes incredible!

Okkkk, now I’m off to make myself a cup of tea!! xx

It’s tax season! I know… SO exciting. Let’s face it – taxes suck. Accounting was one of my least favorite classes in school and to this day is something I have zero interest in. However, if you’re earning an income, you have to pay your taxes. As someone who has worked a 9-to-5 and filed taxes as a full time employee for the past five years, I can tell you how different filing taxes as a blogger/freelancer/small business owners is.

I am NOT a professional (nor do I claim to be), and the very first thing I would recommend is to find someone who is! Because trust me, this is NOT something you want to do on your own. Leave it to the professionals. Taxes for bloggers are more complicated because your income is not automatically withheld from every paycheck. You receive your gross income over the course of the year and are expected to pay taxes on that amount at the end of the year. When you work for a corporation, these taxes are automatically taken out of each paycheck. So if you’re looking for tax tips for bloggers and freelancers, read on.

Let’s Talk Money: Taxes for Bloggers

Everyone handles tax season differently. As I mentioned above, taxes for bloggers can be complicated because they are paid differently than your typical W2 employee. Bloggers can be paid directly by brands and companies that they work for, they can have multiple streams of income, and they can even pay themselves through a company they have established. Some people do their own taxes, but I personally did not feel comfortable doing mine on my own. After doing a lot of research online, talking to friends in a similar employment situation, and speaking to my accountant, I wanted to share the most important tips for bloggers & freelancers to help you manage tax season.

Tax Tips for Bloggers:

+ Find an accountant you trust.

Referrals are best, because then they have already been vetted by someone you know and trust. If you can’t get a good recommendation, then do your research online and read reviews carefully. A good accountant will charge a couple hundred dollars or more (this is tax deductible the next year) and absolutely worth the investment. The way I see it, time is money, I’m not an expert in the tax law, and I want to make sure things are done the right way. Paying someone ensures that your taxes will be filed properly and you will be able to maximize all of your deductions (this is very important for bloggers! >> more on this later).

+ Get a head start on tax season.

Like many things in life, this is not something you want to procrastinate on. If you have an accountant, it’s as easy as staying organized and meticulously keeping track of all business related income and expenses throughout the year so you can pass it on. This will make your accountant’s life easier when filing your taxes as well!

You need to report ALL of the income you earned over the past year – this income includes sponsored posts, consulting, affiliate revenue, product revenue, etc. – all of this is considered taxable income. A brand will issue a 1099 form if they paid you over $600 over the past year – be sure to save these and give to your accountant so they can keep track of your blogging income. However, even if you do not receive a 1099, you still need to report the income earned –  it’s very important to do this properly in the event you ever get audited by the IRS.

+ Stay organized.

I highly recommend keeping a spreadsheet to track everything throughout the year. I have one where I keep track of collaborations (brand, deliverable, timing, payment & terms) and expenses. Also, I recently signed up for Quickbooks and pay $5/month for the Self Employed App, which helps me track this information and have a holistic view of my blogging business in the current year as well. You can also track mileage through this app, which you can deduct at the end of the year.

+ Open a business bank account.

This is so important for keeping finances separate and organized for your business entity.

+ Save a portion of every paycheck.

Because bloggers do not pay taxes upfront, you are expected to pay an estimated tax every quarter, as well as self-employment taxes. Even if you are a full time employee somewhere else, if you earn income on your blog, you will have to pay taxes for Social Security and Medicare that are traditionally paid for by an employer and employee. The point here – you will have to pay taxes afterwards. A safe rule of thumb is to save about 30% of every paycheck. This way, in the event that you end up owing a large amount of income in taxes, you already have the money ready and do not have to dip into savings. The amount owed will change based on your deductions, which takes me to my next point…

+ Know what you can and cannot deduct.

The benefit of owning your own business is being able to deduct business expenses from your taxable income. What this means is you are able to subtract your business expenses from your total income. Then pay taxes on the remaining income. However (!!) not everything is tax deductible, and this is where things can get a little dicey. According to the IRS, a business “may deduct ordinary and necessary expenses for conducting a trade or business.”  The IRS defines ordinary business expenses as those that are “common and accepted in your trade or business.” They define necessary expenses as those that re “helpful and appropriate for your trade or business.” So what does this mean for bloggers?

First, you have to be making a profit after three years. If you have more deductions than income for over three years, the IRS will consider your blog a hobby as opposed to a business, and will not allow you to take these deductions going forward.

Some expenses that you should be able to deduct because they are directly business related include:

+ Advertising

+ Website hosting & anything else related to running your website – this can include web design, graphics, logos, and freelance help.

+ Photography expenses – editing software & equipment

+ Office supplies and furniture used for your business (if your home can be considered your office, you may also be able to deduct a portion of your rent and utilities)

+ Electronics (your computer & camera)

+ Conferences related to blogging

+ Mileage tied to blogging related activities

+ Travel and entertainment directly related to blogging. This can be dicey. You cannot take a vacation overseas, post twice, and then consider it a business expense. Talk to your accountant as what can or cannot be classified as a travel related deduction.

Expenses that you cannot deduct (sorry!) include beauty related expenses (hair, nails, makeup) and clothing (that would be nice, though!).

When it comes to tax law, there is a bit of gray area around deductions. How you handle this is ultimately up to you and your accountant. However, many experts agree that generally it is better to err on the side of caution. So be slightly more conservative than aggressive with the expenses you deduct.

Hopefully this post helped shed some light on how to manage tax season as a blogger (or similar freelancer!). I know taxes can be incredibly intimidating and not fun to say the least. However it is so important to do them the right way! Again, I highly recommend working with a professional on this matter, especially as your business continues to grow. However, these are some of the basics. So they should help you get an idea of where to begin on your taxes.

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