These are the Best Natural Detox Teas

These are the Best Natural Detox Teas | by The Luxi Look

Remember the detox tea craze a few years ago? For a while, there were all these teas being promoted on Instagram that claimed to help you lose weight while detoxing your body.

The truth about those tea-toxes?

If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. As nice as it would be to have a miracle liquid that would instantly help you loose weight and flatten your stomach, the reality is many “detox teas” on the market are not what they appear to be. Many of them contain (not so) mild laxatives, which might help you lose weight in the short term (because they are literally emptying you out), but are not good for you in the long run (your body can become dependent on laxatives). Personally, I am not a fan of the tea detox, and prefer more natural alternatives to “detoxing.” Lots of water, greens, and natural detox teas.

There are so many types of teas with so many different health benefits –  tea is so good for you! I could go on and on about all of the health benefits of drinking tea. Tea was always a staple in my home growing up – I loved jasmine, ginger, and green tea and would drink it all day. Today, I have an entire cabinet dedicated to different kinds of teas that I drink on different days. When I’ve had an indulgent meal or two, I turn to detox teas to help me feel better. Same goes for when I’ve had too much booze over the weekend. There’s nothing worse than feeling bloated or having tummy troubles – but a good cup of “detox” tea helps so much!

I keep a stash of tea at my desk as well. On Mondays, I’ll make myself a cup of “detox” tea and drink this throughout the day. I say “detox” lightly, because these aren’t like the detox teas you see on Instagram – they don’t “detox” your insides per se, but they do help stimulate digestion and balance your body. These are the best natural detox teas I always keep stocked in my cabinet that I absolutely love.

Benefits of “Detox” Teas

Detox teas typically contain ingredients such as ginger root, licorice, hibiscus, burdock, and dandelion  root. These ingredients can help with repairing leaky gut and improving liver functions. They are also anti inflammatory, help boost your immune system, and can help aid with weight loss. I love sipping on tea throughout the day because I swear it helps with bloating and cravings. If I am craving something unhealthy, I always try to chug water and drink tea because 1. you might just be dehydrated and 2. tea can help curb cravings and suppress your appetite.

Detox teas tend to be herbal teas without any caffeine, so they are safe to sip throughout the day. and even at night before going to sleep Of course, you can never go wrong with loose leaf green tea (so many antioxidants!) – but these are the specific teas I drink to “detox” my body.

What Teas are Good for Detox:


Dandelion is more than just a yard weed! In fact, dandelion root is a popular ingredient used in detox teas. Believe it or not, dandelion flowers are filled with healthy nutrients. Plus, you can receive all of the benefits of from just a single tea bag! If you’re looking to do a one day detox, you definitely want to incorporate dandelion tea. Some of the benefits of this tea include: detoxification, cleansing the liver, aiding in weight loss and suppressing appetite, improving digestion, and balancing blood sugar. The taste is strong, but I swear after sipping on a cup of this tea, I feel so much better and lighter.


From the first time I tried fennel tea, I have been hooked. Fennel naturally helps with bloating and digestion, and one cup of fennel tea can almost instantly shrink your stomach. In fact, Heather’s Tummy Tea is a must have in my purse and travel bag. Stomach and digestion problems happen, and bloating is a fact of life when you travel or have a bad meal. I tell everyone I know about this miracle tea!

Yogi Detox

The name says it all! Yogi makes several varieties of detox teas that are chock full of different detoxifying herbs. They include: cinnamon bark, ginger root, cardamom pod, licorice root, clove bud, orange peel, dandelion root, and more. The taste is a little strong and intense, but one tea bag and stretch for several cups of tea, and you honestly feel like your insides are being cleansed.

Lemon & Ginger

This is a homemade tea that is delicious and easy to make any time of day. Hot water with lemon is so good for you (one of the best ways to start your day). It instantly gets things moving, if you know what I mean. Lemon is also a diuretic, which helps with bloating and detoxification. When I feel a tickle in my throat, one of the first things I do is brew a big pot of tea with the juice from a whole lemon, several slices of ginger, honey, and as much cayenne pepper as I can handle. So easy to make yourself and it tastes incredible!

Okkkk, now I’m off to make myself a cup of tea!! xx

2 Discussion to this post

  1. Elizabeth says:

    I’ve never tried detox teas, but I’ve heard so many great reviews about them! 🙂 Thank you for sharing such an informative post, Amy! Love all of these recommendations! Can’t wait to try it too! Have a great weekend!

    XO, Elizabeth

  2. Jessica says:

    Great tips dear. I love teas, especially lemon and ginger. Makes my tummy feel so good and light.

    Jessica |

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