Is Laser Hair Removal Worth It?

Is Laser Hair Removal Worth It?

It’s officially August, and I realized last week that I haven’t worn pants in what feels like FOREVER. Obviously, summer means bare legs and bare legs mean… hair removal. I touched upon laser hair removal briefly in a previous post, but wanted to do a deeper dive on the topic.

I’ve been getting laser hair removal treatments for over a year and wanted to share my experience. I remember having SO many questions before my first session and being slightly nervous. The process has been surprisingly easy and pain-free, and the results have been completely worth it!

Note – I am not an esthetician or an expert on laser hair removal. I am only speaking from my own experience.

Laser hair removal: Is it worth it?

First things first – what is laser hair removal and how does it work?

Laser hair removal is a hair removal process in which a powerful laser is used to destroy hair at the root in order to permanently “kill” and remove the hair. Essentially, the laser targets your hair follicle and zaps it to make sure the hair does not grow back.

Can anyone get laser hair removal?

Long story short, yes. You can do it on any part of the body where there is hair, although I would recommend avoiding your face. Apparently laser hair removal works best on dark hair (the laser is attracted to the pigment in your hair) against lighter skin (so the laser can differentiate between the hair and skin). HOWEVER, apparently there are special lasers that can better target blonde hair or darker skin, so make sure you do your research in advance!

How do I prepare for my first session?

Shave (yes, SHAVE) the night before – this was hard for me as I was a waxing devotee before laser, but the laser needs to have a hair follicle to zap!

No plucking or waxing the hair.

Avoid tanning in the sun or in a tanning bed (gross) two weeks before hand.

Also inform your esthetician of any medication you are on, as that might impact your skin’s sensitivity to the laser.

Does it hurt?

Not terribly, but it does sting a little. The most common comparison I heard was that it feels like a rubber band snapping against your skin. It was a liiiiittttle more painful than that for me, but if you’re used to waxing it isn’t that much different. If you’re really worried about pain, popping an Advil half an hour before usually does the trick.

How often do you have to go?

It’s recommended that you go every 4-6 weeks in order to target every hair until the hair thins out completely (hairs tend to grow back in cycles). I went every month for half a year until the hair in the areas I was zapping was essentially gone. As someone who used to go in for regular waxing sessions or shave, I can say that laser hair removal is SO much faster. I’m in and out in 15 minutes, and only have to go in 3-4 times a year now for touch ups.

How long do the results last?

I was actually shocked when I learned laser hair removal isn’t permanent. Yes, your hair will grow back eventually. More in some areas than others. As I mentioned, I still go in a couple times a year for maintenance. On the whole, it lasts much, much longer than any other hair removal method (for me). I started laser hair removal over a year ago and for me it has been absolutely worth it!!

Is it expensive? 

As if being a girl wasn’t already expensive enough – laser hair removal can get pricey depending on where you go! I was lucky to find a great deal on session packages in LA – I would definitely recommend checking out deal sites for packages (just make sure the place you choose has good reviews), otherwise sometimes you can find seasonal deals or sales by calling your local medical spa.

So there you have it – not such a scary experience after all! When it comes to beauty, I’m probably one of the laziest people ever. Saying buh-bye to my razor was the best, and it’s been even better during summer months when you’re most likely wearing a skirt or shorts 24/7.

If you have anyyyy questions at all, let me know in the comments below! Have you tried laser hair removal? If so, how were your results? Hopefully all good! Have a wonderful weekend everyone!

xx, Amy

12 Discussion to this post

  1. Such a great post! I would totally try laser removal since I hate shaving but haven’t done it! Too bad it’s not permanent tho! If it was I would do it today!
    Wishing you a Happy Weekend!!
    xoxo, Vanessa

    • Amy Zhang says:

      Thank you, Vanessa!! I totally think laser hair removal beats shaving – let me know if you decide to get it and how it goes! Have a wonderful weekend yourself : ) xx

  2. This is so inspiring! I love the post:)

  3. Lara Rose says:

    Thanks for this post, because I was really doubting about the laser removal! Lovely blog you have


    • Amy Zhang says:

      Thank you, Lara! I’ve been really happy with my results from laser hair removal – it’s definitely worth going in for a professional consultation and learning more. Nothing better than being worry free in the summertime 🙂 lmk if you have any other questions I can answer for you! xx

  4. Jennsemble says:

    Thanks for sharing this post! I’ve always wanted to try laser hair removal, but was hesitant because of the price and mostly the pain I’ve heard about. I’ll definitely add it to my list of things to try 🙂

    XO Jenn

    • Amy Zhang says:

      Hi Jenn! Thanks so much for reading. I found an AMAZING deal for laser hair removal on Lifebooker so it brought the price down a lot. I would look on Groupon/local deal sites or even call your local centers. Lmk if you have any questions or decide to go through with it : ) xx

  5. 4evajessie says:

    Thanks for sharing Amy! I’ve been thinking about it for a long time, but i’m a little to chicken to do it. Your post has just provided me with more re-assurance and I think i might give it a try this summer 🙂


    • Amy Zhang says:

      Hi Jessie, I think it’s totally worth it and really not painful at all! Lmk if you have any questions and decide to try it : ) have a wonderful week babe! xx

  6. […] routine so much better. Especially for women during your period, or if you do any sort of waxing/hair maintenance down there, it’s so so important to take care of your skin and make sure you’re always […]

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