Is Coffee Good or Bad For You?

Is Coffee Good or Bad For You? | by The Luxi Look

Who else has been reaching for an extra cup of coffee this week after Daylight Savings Time?? Yesterday was the Monday-est Monday, and today I am finally starting to get back into my groove. I can’t help but wonder if my caffeine habit is doing me more harm than good. There’s SO much conflicting advice on the internet on all sides. So. Is coffee GOOD or BAD for you? As someone who loves caffeine during the week, I’m obviously rooting for YES. The short answer of it is, as with all things, it’s probably good for you in moderation. Here’s the scoop on it.

Is Coffee Good or Bad For You?

The pros of coffee:

+ It’s high in antioxidants

+ It makes you happy : )

+ Boosts brain power

+ Speeds up your metabolism and helps you burn fat

+ Might help prevent Alzheimer’s

+ Decreases risks of diabetes and liver disease

+ Can help you live longer

The cons of coffee:

Doctors tend to warn patients about the dangers of coffee or consuming too much caffeine. These include:

– Caffeine addiction (and withdrawal)

– Sleep disruption

– Can make you more anxious

– Damage to the digestive tract (due to its high acidity) that can lead to ulcers, heartburn, and other stomach problems

– Can increase risk of heart disease

If you’re looking to swap out coffee for something else, try yerba mate or another form of tea with caffeine.

The verdict:

The jury’s out on whether or it’s good for you. If you have a position, chances are there is research to back it up. As with all things, it seems like moderation is key when it comes to coffee. Also, if you’re going to drink it for health benefits, your best bet is drinking it black (no added sugar or milk). As someone who has a tendency to order some slightly less than healthy coffee drinks, it’s a good reminder to stick to black coffee (and try to depend less on caffeine to get me going during the week).

The general consensus seems to be that a cup or two a day is OK (it might even be good for you!), but to not overdo it. If you find yourself really dependent on caffeine, it might be time to switch to decaf or find ways to make more time for rest.

What are your thoughts on the great coffee debate?

5 Discussion to this post

  1. Elizabeth says:

    I’m definitely a coffee addict and can’t live without it! 🙂 I’ve heard both the pros and cons before, but like you said, Amy, moderation really is the key for just about anything! Thanks for sharing your insights! <3

    XO, Elizabeth

  2. mainou says:

    I’m a morning coffee person, I love tea as well. But yeah, moderation is key =)

  3. Jessi Malay says:

    Great informative post babe!! There is SO much controversial talk about the benefits/negative sides of coffee. I definitely like a latte here and there, but I’m not that big of a coffee drinker!!

    XO, Jessi

  4. Jessica says:

    I love coffee, and I don’t think I could survive without it (lol). But yes, I’ve read before that coffee itself is actually healthy (good source of antioxidant), and it’s the sugar and cream that makes it unhealthy. I do love my coffee with sugar and cream too, but I don’t mind drinking black from time to time.

    Jessica |

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