Winding Down & Beauty Sleep – My Nightly Routine with OLLY

Today’s post is all about a subject that is very, very important to me, and is written in partnership with OLLY. As always, all opinions are my own. The topic of today: SLEEP! I’ve written about sleep before and why it’s so important for you. Long story short, it impacts and improves pretty much every area in our lives – mental, physical, emotional. It’s called “beauty sleep” for a reason! When you sleep enough you are restoring your body and giving it the energy it needs to function at its best.
Sleep repairs your body from workouts, improves your skin and appearance, helps maintain your appetite and weight, improves our brain function and concentration, and enhances your mood… I could go on and on about sleep. The problem is, getting enough sleep is something I struggle with at times. Between work and travel I don’t always get the recommended 7-8 hours. Truthfully I often only get 5 or 6 hours of sleep a night – which is a terrible habit and something I do not recommend!
With that said, I have started implementing a nighttime routine to force myself to be more conscious of how I spend my evenings and prepare for bedtime. Here’s what it entails:
My Nightly Routine
+ Eliminate Devices
It’s easy to lay in bed, scrolling through your Instagram feed and getting sucked into the rabbit hole that is social media. If you struggle with getting enough sleep, eliminating devices at least one hour before you go to bed is a must. It helps your mind begin to unwind and settle down – if you have thoughts racing through your head all night it is much harder to fall asleep!
+ Skincare Routine
For me, having a set skincare routine is incredibly therapeutic and calming. I love going through the process of cleansing, toning, and moisturizing before bed. A few times a week I will try a new mask as well.
+ Read
Instead of being on my laptop or phone before bed, I have been reaching for a book. I’m still trying to reach my goal of reading 30 books by the end of the year (!!) and I have found that reading is more enjoyable and helps me fall asleep faster.
+ Journal
Getting into the habit of journaling is still new to me. I don’t always know what to write about, but even 5 or 10 minutes help me feel more centered. Also, knowing I will have something to look back on and reflect in a few years is incredibly motivating!
+ OLLY – Beauty Sleep
The very last thing I do before bed is take an OLLY gummy. Melatonin affects everyone differently, but I found these gummies to be more gentle than others I have tried. It helps me fall asleep (and stay asleep), but I don’t have crazy dreams or wake up groggy the way I do after other supplements I’ve tried.
How do you get ready for sleep? xx
I seriously have to try!
Definitely need to try these gummies 🙂 And yes, I’ve been trying to read more before bed as well! Sleeping enough is definitely something I’ve been struggling with too, but I’m trying to treat myself better this year, instead of always being on the “go, go, go!” mindset!
XO, Elizabeth T.
I’ve been wanting to try those Olly gummies! They sound so good!