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As many of you know already know, I work full-time in addition to running my blog. I started my blog as a way to learn about the digital space, express myself creatively (although I hate the overused term “creative outlet”), and connect with like-minded individuals through this incredible community. It’s become a hobby that I genuinely enjoy and have learned an immense amount from.

As my blog has evolved over the past year, I’ve begun to take on more projects and collaborations. Somewhere along the way, what used to be a passion project started to toe the line of feeling like extra work, and I had to re-evaluate my relationship with blogging and learn how to prioritize. It’s so easy to build up stress and negativity in our minds, that something I often tell myself is to take a step back when things begin to feel like too much to handle. Because remember, stress is bad, bad, BAD.

How to Prioritize | The Luxi Look

How to Prioritize Your Time

How to Prioritize Your Time

There really are only so many hours in a day (you have as many hours in a day as Beyonce ; )) and I often get asked how I’m able to blog as much and as consistently as I do. The truth is, it’s all about prioritization, which truthfully means sacrifice. You can’t have it all, so pick and choose what matters. Lately, I’ve been all about giving fewer f*cks and only giving one when it matters. This book has been a recent favorite, and there is MUCH more to come on the many gems inside.

Basically, we all have limited time and energy to spend and give. Figuring out what matters to YOU and how to prioritize how you spend your time is everything. It took a long time to really figure out what was most important to me. Here’s what I’ve learned to prioritize:

How to Prioritize | The Luxi Look

How to Prioritize | The Luxi Look

Your health.

I feel my best when I get enough sleep, eat right, and exercise consistently. When one of these things falls out of sync, I feel sluggish and weak – and get sick way more easily. I function best mentally, physically, and emotionally if I’m well rested – because of this, I do my best to get 7-8 hours of sleep every night. I really think getting enough sleep is one of the best things we can do for our bodies, and something many people neglect to do.

As far as diet goes, I don’t do anything crazy, but I do notice a difference in my energy levels and mood when I stick to clean, unprocessed foods – think lots of fresh fruits and vegetables, healthy fats (AVOCADO, eggs, salmon, nuts), lean proteins, and whole grains. Don’t get me wrong, I’m a sugar fiend and love eating out, but in moderation. I also try to stay away from alcohol when I can, because if there’s a major productivity killer, it’s booze.

Finally, exercise. I haven’t always loved to exercise and for a long time avoided the gym like the plague. Over the years I’ve come to love being active and when I’m having a bad day or feeling stressed, nothing boosts my mood more than a good workout (current faves: Barry’s Bootcamp and yoga at Y7).

How to Prioritize | The Luxi Look

keeping a positive perspective and not complaining

How you spend your time.

Time is money. I’m still trying to figure out how to prioritize daily tasks and commitments. My main goal is always to work smarter, not harder. I think it’s totally okay to outsource tasks if they take up time that would be better spent elsewhere. For example, if you absolutely hate cleaning, see if you can make room in your budget for a maid. If doing your hair takes hours every week, get a blowout and use that time to work. Make a list of to-do’s and rank them in order of urgency and importance. Figure out how to make time for the ones that matter. Doing this made me realize how many the things that were making me “so busy” were actually pointless errands that I could outsource, streamline, or batch into a couple hours over a weekend to be more efficient.

And as my fellow bloggers know, there is so much time and hard work that goes into blogging. With limited time, what is the best thing to focus on?? Since I only have so many hours to dedicate to my blog after work, I’ve made a point to shift my focus to shoots and content creation on the weekend. And networking during the week when I can. I don’t make it to every event and that’s fine, there will always be another one : ).

keeping a positive perspective and not complaining

Your relationships.

Just as important as how you spend your time, is who you spend your time with. It’s important to surround yourself with people that not only support you and lift you up but also aren’t afraid to keep it real with you. I think we can all agree that toxic and negative relationships are harmful and we’d be better off without them. Stop wasting your time and energy on people that bring you down and give more to those that are there for you and believe in you. It’ll make a world of a difference.

I noticed myself feeling a bit of negativity lately and had to remind myself on the importance of keeping a positive perspective and not complaining. At the end of the day, a lot of our problems are “first world problems” that really are insignificant in the grand scheme of things. It’s hard to keep that in mind when we’re constantly swimming in social media and images of how perfect other people’s lives are. But the truth is NO ONE is perfect and EVERYONE has problems. You’d be amazed at how people with seemingly perfect lives can be incredibly unhappy with their situation.

It seems like everyone is so busy these days, so I’d love to hear your thoughts – how do you prioritize and stay afloat?

xx, Amy

jacket: similar | romper: band of gypsies

choker: similar | boots: stuart weitzman

photos: ryan chua

Hi babes! Happy Fri-yayy! So excited to announce that I will be going to Create + Cultivate this weekend! It’ll be my first time attending the conference and I couldn’t be more excited. I’ve partnered with Bebe and will be attending as their ambassador – if you’re going and see me, please say hi! Hope to see you all there : ).

Create Cultivate Atlanta | The Luxi Look

Create Cultivate Atlanta | The Luxi Look

Create Cultivate Atlanta | The Luxi Look

I’ll be providing a full recap next week, so stay tuned for all the deets!

Have you been to Create + Cultivate before? How was your experience? Any tips for a first timer?

xx, Amy

Create Cultivate Atlanta | The Luxi Look

dress from bebe


dress: bebe | shoes: steve madden

photos: ryan chua

Velvet for Fall

Velvet for Fall | The Luxi Look

This post has been a long time coming and slightly overdue, but it hasn’t really felt like fall yet so I’ve put it off. Let’s talk about this fall’s must have trend – velvet.

Honestly if there’s one trend you need to get on board with this season if you haven’t already, it’s velvet. It’s easy to wear, looks good on everyone, and instantly makes an outfit look luxe.
Velvet | The Luxi Look
The Luxi Look
Here I doubled down on velvet by pairing one of my favorite slip dresses with a kimono. The best part about velvet pieces is they’ll be good through the winter, if not longer. This trend is here to stay for a while.
Velvet | The Luxi Look
Velvet for Fall | The Luxi Look
Velvet | The Luxi Look

You can incorporate velvet into any look – shop my favorite pieces below!

xx, Amy

kimono: vici (similar) | dress: free people (similar) | choker: imlvh | shoes: steve madden


photos: ryan chua

Velvet for Fall!


Here we are. It’s October. I’ve already been asked what I’m being for Halloween, Starbucks is shilling PSLs like they’re still in style (are they?), and the days are getting darker – technically it’s fall but it really doesn’t feel like fall, at all. In fact the forecast for this weekend is 85 and sunny. Not that I’m complaining, at all – I could do summer year round like it’s my job. However, I know not everyone shares this sentiment so let’s talk outerwear, specifically the perfect camel coat for fall.

If we’re being honest, a camel coat for fall (or like, 5), are definitely a must have in every girl’s closet. Come September, you’ll want the perfect camel coat in your closet to throw over everything. Neutrals are the foundation to a versatile closet, and there’s a shade of tan (“camel”) to go with every skin tone.

So really, no excuses not to have one in your closet.

But honestly, there are SO many reasons to have a camel coat in your closet.

A Fall Look by The Luxi LookA Fall Look by The Luxi LookThe Perfect Camel Coat for Fall | The Luxi Look

Side Note:

I’m a little (okay, a lot) embarrassed to admit this, because I’ve definitely looked down on doing this in the past, but it was so. insanely. hot. when I took these photos. I know, I know, I’m a hypocrite and a liar. I’m sorry, but it was out of love because I knew I couldn’t continue posting photos of myself on the beach. Having lived in the Midwest for almost my entire life, October is so far past beach season and it needs to be reflected in what you wear! (Unless of course, you live in Los Angeles.)

Continuing on… a camel coat is a MUST in everyone’s fall wardrobe. Although I’ve never really done a “capsule wardrobe” (10-15 pieces you mix and match and wear over and over), if I were to live by one, it would 100% include a camel coat.

Especially if you live somewhere with colder climate. Black is boring and so overdone. White gets dirty easily (wear at your own risk).

But camel coats will always be in style. It’s 100% worth investing in jackets because you will wear them forever. For your base colors (black, navy, grey, camel) you shouldn’t be afraid to spend a little more on pieces that are truly timeless.

You’ll wear a coat every. single. day in the winter, so choose wisely. Find a coat that looks and feels luxe and you won’t suffer from having to wear a puffy parka all the time.

The Perfect Camel Coat for Fall The Perfect Camel Coat for Fall | The Luxi LookThe Perfect Camel Coat for Fall

THIS Fall camel jacket is a must have.

As  you may already know, I talked about Vici a lot. But the fact of the matter is their clothes are SUPER cute and really affordable (rarely anything over $100) and they add new product every day so it’s almost a given that if you’re a shopaholic, you’ll find something you love. Outerwear can be expensive, but they had really affordable and chic options as soon as the temperature started to drop.

Def check them out if you’re trying to dress chic on a budget.

My go to work uniform is usually a dress + boots, as soon as the weather cools down even the slightest bit I like to swap out ankle boots for OTKs. Stuart Weitzman makes all of my go-to’s (remember this post?) and this button down dress is one of my current workwear faves. My workplace is fairly casual so I can get away with this, but at the end of the day an office is an office and it’s better to lean on the conservative side.

The Perfect Camel Coat for Fall | The Luxi Lookblack dress and OTK boots featuredThe Perfect Camel Coat for Fall | The Luxi Look

This particular camel coat is a little more lightweight than a full on winter coat and is great for chilly mornings or evenings in SoCal. You gotta love a good wool coat to keep you warm. I’ve linked my favorite camel coats below and don’t worry, I’m just getting started with outerwear so stay tuned.

What’s your favorite outerwear trend this fall?

xx, Amy

photos: ryan chua

Jetlag sure is a bitch. Since coming back from Italy, I’ve been waking up at 4am and starving, feeling tired and sluggish at random hours of the day, and in a general state of mental fuzz. When you cross multiple time zones so quickly, your body is completely out of sync and desperately has to try to readjust to a normal schedule. Without a doubt the first thing I try to figure out everytime I travel internationally is how to beat jetlag.

How to Beat Jetlag

I’m incredibly grateful to have the opportunity to travel and would love to see the entire world someday – but as you already know, traveling takes a tremendous toll on your body. As glamorous as it sounds to have a constant jetset life, I know that it isn’t always as great as it seems. My first job out of college involved flying somewhere every week and let me tell you, the novelty of life on the go wore off quickly.

Traveling disrupts your sleep schedule, your eating and workout routines, and can do a number on your skin and digestive system. Unfortunately, it takes about one day for each time zone crossed to fully recover from the effects of jetlag. I’m still recovering, but a few things have helped enough that going back to work and sitting at a desk hasn’t been as difficult as I anticipated.

How to Beat Jetlag | The Luxi Look

How to Beat Jetlag | The Luxi Look

woman leaning on the car and sharing How to Beat Jetlag



Flying dehydrates you like crazy. I always bring a refillable bottle or buy one of the large 1L bottles from a newsstand before boarding. Ideally you should drink 8 oz or more every hour you’re on the plane.

Be prepared.

I like to pack ear plugs, noise cancelling headphones, an eye mask, a neck pillow, and a sheet mask. You might get some funny looks, but it’ll help your skin from the nasty air in the plane and you’ll be comfortable : ).


If you’re one of those people that can sleep anywhere, LUCKY YOU!! If you’re flying first or business class, same. I don’t mess around with sleeping pills… but I try to turn off any electronics nearby and get as much rest as possible.

Avoid alcohol/caffeine/carbonated beverages.

Alcohol and caffeine will disrupt your sleep and carbonated beverages will bloat you like crazy. It’s all the fun stuff I know, but you’ll feel a million times better when you step off the plane.

Avoid plane food.

Honestly, I don’t touch the food on planes. I usually try to adjust my eating schedule to match my destination over the course of my flight. When flying internationally, you’re often in the air during sleeping hours of your destination, so I usually try to avoid eating anything until I land.

woman leaning on the wall

woman sharing How to Beat Jetlag

woman sitting on the stairs



Ideally outside. Natural sunlight is one of the best things to help you readjust to your new time zone. Getting your blood flowing and breaking a sweat is one of the best cures to any stress : ).

Go to the spa.

Get a massage and relax – it’ll help release the stress that comes with flying and help you sleep better.

Give yourself time.

Even seasoned road warriors often need a day or two to reacclimate. International flights and the jetlag that comes with them are no fun. Although tbh, I’m loving waking up at 5am and going to bed at 9pm. #grandma

How do you beat jetlag?

xx, Amy

romper: rahi cali (sold out) | hat: lack of color | boots: sole society

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