Pajama Dressing + The Importance of Sleep

Let’s talk about one of my favorite things to do:
Specifically, the importance of sleep.
Sounds silly, I know. BUT. Hear me out. In case you didn’t already know, sleep is V IMPORTANT. I know I sound like a snooze (ha, ha) but the older I get, the more I have come to appreciate sleep and everything it does for your body, mind, and soul. In college and my early 20’s I would stay up late, wake up early, pull all-nighters, and do all sorts of other things that completely wrecked my sleeping schedule. I figured: you sleep enough when you’re dead. I knew sleep was good for you, but I never fully processed how vital it is to performance and basically every human function you do.
[ If you’re one of those superhumans that can function off of 4 hours of sleep a night, no need to continue reading. I am officially very jealous of you. ]
The Importance of Sleep
Why sleep is important
+ Improves learning and brain function
When we sleep, our brains go to work. Sleep allows our brains to store memories and learn through memory consolidation. So the smart thing to do in school would be to study consistently and get enough sleep the night before an exam, not stay up all night. Noted.
+ It keeps you healthy
When you don’t get enough sleep, your immune system suffers. I don’t know about you, but I’ve found that I am so much more likely to catch a cold when I’m sleep deprived. And when I am under the weather, getting some extra hours of sleep do the most for my recovery.
+ It’s good for your appearance
It’s not called beauty sleep for no reason. Turns out getting enough sleep has been shown to improve skin texture, blood flow, and overall appearance.
+ It helps your body recover
If you’re working out on the reg, chances are getting enough sleep is helping your muscles recover and grow! And if you’re not getting enough, just know that sleep deprivation has been linked to weight gain due to increased levels of cortisol, which increases your appetite – eek!
+ You’ll be a safer/better driver
Yep, sleep deprived driving is no better than drunk driving. If you’re getting enough hours of rest, consider calling an Uber to work.
Even though at times it seems like being sleep deprived is worn as a badge of honor and a reflection of how hard we work, sometimes the hardest thing to do is simply disconnecting and shutting down. It’s not always easy, but I feel a noticeable difference in my mood and energy when I get at 7 or 8 hours of sleep, not to mention how much clearer my skin is. Fortunately, even our technology seems to agree.
Tips for getting more sleep
+ Utilize the night shift and bedtime settings on your phone.
I have an iPhone, and I LOVE the “night shift” setting (mine is set from 9pm to 7am). This setting shifts the color settings on your phone to minimize the bright blue light that your smartphone emits, making it easier for you to fall asleep at night. You can also set alerts on your phone to remind you when it’s almost time for bed.
+ Disconnect completely.
30 minutes to an hour before bed, put away all electronics. I’ve been trying to read more before bed and honestly, this has been the best thing to help me fall asleep (ha!).
+ Create a sleep schedule.
This one is hard. It’s best to go to bed and wake up at the same time every day, but it doesn’t always happen. I’m working on this one, but it’s easy to get off track, especially during the weekends.
+ Drink tea.
I don’t do this every night, but when I remember I like to drink something warm before I go to sleep. Did your mom ever tell you to drink warm milk before bedtime? It’s kind of like that. I especially like Calm and Sleepytime Tea with honey.
In the spirit of getting enough zzz’s, I’m taking the pajama very seriously and literally in this set by L’academie. Full disclosure: I don’t actually wear this to sleep although I’m sure you could, as it was intended for that use. I usually like to mix and match them as separates rather than as a set – I think you could get away with the blouse at work (the ribbon tied around the waist doubles as a scarf) with a skirt or jeans, and I really love the return of the track pant. You’ll definitely get some looks when you wear both at the same time. But hey comfort is key, and who cares what other people think?
Bonus: this set is on sale now! (End of winter sales in January are always SO. GOOD. No better time to stock up on all those cold weather essentials).
xx, Amy
top: l’academie (on sale!) | pants: l’academie (on sale!) | shoes: raye (on sale!) | bag: gucci
I totally relate to what you’ve written in this post. When i was younger i didn’t have this need of sleep that i got now, but truth is sleeping week is one of most important thing to our health.
Talking about going out in our pjs: i love this trend, and you look awesome dear.
Have a great day.
This outfit is so so chic though, love the pajama trend – such a great one! And love the text on sleep and why it’s so important. Also great ideas on how to get more of it, love to disconnect before I’m going to sleep. Reading a book before I’m about to sleep always helps me! Xx
I’ve been into this pajama trend since the begging its so chic and comfy! I love the sleeping tips and I know for sure I function way better after a good night’s sleep!
areli’s april
Love this look on you! I definitely need to work on disconnecting before bed, and am so bad at having a regular sleep schedule too!
Isn’t this the best trend ever!! Being in pyjama’s all day but being super stylish!! LOVE IT! And I especially love how you completed this look with that stunning bag!! Big Xx Susanne –
This pajama trend is so cool. The set you are wearing is so chic and looks comfy. Great post, thanks for sharing.
xx, Maryam
Love this look babe! You look so chic and comfy at the same time… I’m obsessed <3
XO Jessi,
Such a cool look, I definitely get those track suit vibes here and you styled it all so chicly! You’re spot on with all the benefits of sleep and how to get more sleep. Having a cup of tea and focusing on putting away electronics early to read really seems to help me!
Kathryn •
Love this pajama suit! So cute, especially handy in case you need to take an immediate nap wherever you are haha. I don’t have a problem with a lack of sleep, but getting too much sleep. I find so much pleasure in being in my comfortable bed. It’s like a cocoon. But in an unhealthy addictive way haha.
xx Yasmin
Yes! Totally agree that sleep is much needed and so glad I’ve been working on this. Those are some chic pjs girl!
this is such cute PJ look, and i so agree with you on important of sleep. i just need to work on it haha, thanks for reminding me babe!!
xx Melis
I guess I’m kinda lucky in that I just can’t function after several days in a row of minimal sleep, so it kind of forces me to get enough. Even though I’m always tired and could always do with more sleep, I at least get about 7 hours of sleep a night, which is still not enough but is certainly much better than 3 or 4!
Love this look and completely agree with you on the importance of sleep.
Totally loving that look! The top is my favorite and I feel like you can wear it with so many things! Also, I’ve been trying to improve my sleeping habits and have heard so many good things about the Night Time feature… definitely going to give it a try!
Tell me about it! I need to get more sleep but it’s hard with this blogging life! Thanks for reminding me though, I’ll make more of an effort! 😉
Love from Costa Rica,
Girl you are preaching to the person who made “sleep more” one of her New Years resolutions. I have been a bit better but my goal is to consistently get minimum 7 hours of sleep nightly. I average about 5-7 but if I get 8 I’m golden. Super challenging when balancing a full time job and blog but health is definitely number 1. Now if your next post can provide advice on HOW to get more sleep =P I’d really love that lol
xoxo Rina
Gurl, I love my sleep. The more the better in my book, so thank you for reiterating! Love how you styled these pj’s huge fan of the look!
Gorgeous look! Who doesnt love sleep?
Absolutely love your pyjama set. It does have a relaxed and chic casual feel, not at all like pyjamas.
Inez | My Small World
Absolutely with you on appreciating sleep, though I’ve been (to some extent) depriving myself for months now – seriously time to snap myself back into a sleeping routine! Gorgeous outfit by the way, every single one of these photos is flawless.
You look awesome in the matching set! Love the look and great points on why you need sleep. Couldn’t agree more.
great content, sleep is important!
and you look so pretty in these photos!
xx Nicole
wow love this post!!
[…] in Wyoming. But I’m back and have a ton of posts planned for the upcoming weeks! Trying to catch up on some sleep tonight and get back into the swing of things after a quick getaway. Here’s a quick and easy look I […]
Sleep is one of my favorite things too. And eating haha! My college days messed up my sleeping schedule and I still till this day have not been able to fix it. I agree that sleep is incredibly important and I need to work harder to fixing my sleeping habits. I’d love to try your tips!
<3, Sharon
wow! I would not have guessed that jacket is from forever 21! It is amazing!
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