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Gearing up for a long-haul flight? Whether it’s for work or play, traveling can be exhausting. And let’s face it, for the majority of travelers, unless you’re in business class, flying can be seriously uncomfortable. When I worked in consulting, I traveled every week. I was flying to and from my client site every Monday and Thursday – sometimes from coast to coast. During that time, I became very familiar with making long haul travel as efficient and comfortable as possible. I learned how to navigate airports, hotels, and the world of credit card points and travel loyalty programs.

Although I switched jobs a few years back and no longer travel for work, I still make a point to travel as often as I can – now for fun! Traveling can bring out the worst in anyone (dealing with delays and other cranky people doesn’t make for the best experience), but I always try to keep my cool and make the flight itself as comfortable as possible. I’m fortunate that I’m relatively petite so I don’t have too many issues with the seats, but even then long-haul flights can leave me feeling depleted and less than 100%. Over the years, I’ve developed a bit of a “travel pack” – a set of items I consider to be my long haul flight essentials that I seriously will not get on a flight without.

But first, a few general rules of thumb I always follow when I travel.

Long Haul Flight Essentials – Tips for long flights:

Drink water!! And then drink some more water.

Flying dehydrates your skin and body like crazy. Ever notice how sometimes your digestive system gets all funky after flying? It’s partially because we become so dehydrated during our flights, making it more difficult for food to digest and move through our systems. I try to drink at least a cup (8 ounces) of water for every hour I’m on a plane, but truthfully the more the better. Splurge on a 1L bottle of water at the airport or bring your own refillable bottle. If there’s one thing I always do on planes, it’s drink a TON of water. I’ll usually choose the aisle seat too so I’m not that annoying person that keeps getting up to use the bathroom ; ).

Avoid eating plane food.

As a general rule of thumb, I won’t eat the food on planes. Airplane food is loaded with sodium and preservatives, not to mention your taste buds are totally different at a higher altitude (meaning you can’t taste food the same way you do normally, hence why plane food has so much sh*t in it to make it taste palatable in the sky). Also, fasting during long haul flights supposedly helps with jetlag. Sometimes I’ll bring my own snacks but usually I just try to wait until I land to eat. Same goes for alcohol – 9 times out of 10, I won’t drink on a plane.

+ Dress comfortably.

Or at least pack a change of clothes for the plane. It is so worth it. Sometimes I’ll grab the slippers from my hotel room and wear them on the plane. The more comfortably dressed you are, the easier it will be to fall asleep – that’s my rationale at least!

Bring your own entertainment.

The last thing you want to be on a long haul flight is bored. You can hope for the best on the in flight entertainment (which I will admit usually occupies me for the majority of the flight), but it doesn’t hurt to pre load some movies or shows on your laptop or tablet, download all of your favorite music from Spotify, and bring a book or two. You know, options.

Then of course, you want to be Mary Poppins with everything that’s in your bag. Noise cancelling headphones, a water bottle, and a toothbrush aside, here are some of the things you will always find packed with me on a long haul flight.

Travel Bag Essentials for a long flight:

1. Slip Silk Eye Mask

Sleeping on planes can be hard. A luxurious silk  eye mask helps. Keep out distractions with headphones and this luxe eye mask. You might even forget where you are and temporarily drift off into a peaceful state of sleep…

2. Kiehl’s Ultra Hydrating Hand Cream

Back when I lived in Chicago, I relied on this stuff to get me through the crazy cold winters and the nasty dry and chapped hands that came with them. The formula is super thick and hydrating – one of the best hand creams I’ve come across ever. Also, yay for Sephora carrying Kiehl’s now!

3. A Sheet Mask

Forget the strange looks you’ll get from your seatmates, your thirsty skin will soak up a sheet mask and thank you for it. There’s no better way to fight dry skin and fake looking fresh and wide awake (and pretend you’re at a spa and not on a plane) than with a sheet mask. Opt for a hydrating, soothing mask to calm your skin down.

collage of Long Haul Flight Essentials

4. Emergen-C

The last thing you want is to get sick on a long flight. Lack of sleep can weaken your immune system, so even if you don’t normally take any vitamins or supplements, consider bringing some along when you travel. Call it a placebo effect or not, but I notice a tremendous difference in my ability to fend off the beginning stages of a cold or illness when I take vitamin C. I’ll down a couple Emergen-C packets in a day and with proper rest and nutrition, it’s usually enough to nip a cold in the bud.

5. BYOT (Bring Your Own Tea)

In the same vein of staying hydrated, I usually try to drink a cup or two of tea on a flight. No matter what I’m wearing, I ALWAYS find myself super cold on planes. Hot water helps (you could even bring your own lemon to make hot lemon water), but a couple herbal tea packets of your choice will usually come in handy at some point during your trip.

items for Long Haul Flight Essentials

6. Moisturizing Lip Balm

I’ve shared my love for Glossier before and I’m doing it again now. This balm is so reliable, comes in different tints and flavors, and is like vaseline on crack. SUPER hydrating, keeps your lips and any other dry parts of your face or body moisturized, and travels well.

7. Face Mist

Yes, Evian facial spray is a little bougie. But flying just sucks all of the moisture out of the body, you know? Between the altitude, time change, and any food/alcohol you may consume on the flight, your body is screaming for water inside and out! After you’ve chugged all the water you can handle, refresh your skin with a super hydrating face mist. You’ll feel better instantly and look more awake. Try to avoid heavy makeup on planes (you wouldn’t go to sleep normally with a face full of makeup on, would you?) and opt for an au naturale, dewy glow from this face mist instead. Bonus: it comes in a travel friendly size (less than 3 oz!) so you can bring it on the plane in your carry on.

What are your long haul travel tips and essentials? I’ll take any advice and recommendations I can get to make the journey a little easier and more comfortable : ).

Safe and happy travels, everyone! xx

One question I get asked a lot (and have wondered myself) is how to determine how much to charge for a freelance service. As you might already know, I’m a huge proponent of the side hustle. But outside of your typical corporate career, how do you get paid? And how much? I feel like talking about money, in general, is considered somewhat taboo. But when it comes to anyone with a freelance career, bloggers especially, it became an almost impossible topic to get any real information on or learn much about. I was recently inspired by reading Refinery 29’s popular series of posts, Money Diaries.

I love the mission behind Money Diaries. Refinery 29 started the series of posts to highlight women across the world. Specifically how these women make and spend their money. They say on the website:

“…We’re tackling what might be the last taboo facing modern working women: money. We’re asking millennials how they spend their hard-earned money during a seven-day period — and we’re tracking every last dollar.”

Taking a stab at breaking through this topic, I thought I’d share some of my thoughts and experiences on making money through a side hustle or by freelancing.

woman wearing black dress and sharing How Much to Charge For Freelance Services

woman wearing black dress and  sneakers and sharing How Much to Charge For Freelance Services

woman wearing black dress, sunglasses and  sneakers and sharing How Much to Charge For Freelance Services

Here’s how to determine how much to charge for freelance services:

Figure out the scope of work. 

How much work are you being asked to do? What is the scope of the project? Whether you have a fixed hourly rate or a variable rate depending on services delivered, make sure you have an idea up front of how much work you will have to do in order to complete a project. For example: for photographers, a one hour shoot for bloggers probably requires a different amount of work than an editorial shoot for a brand’s lookbook or a wedding.

Freelance writers may want to have a better understanding of how many articles they are being asked to complete and how much research and detail needs to go into each. Influencers may be asked to create one single image for a brand. Sometimes it’s an entire video or lookbook. Don’t be afraid to ask questions to clarify the project at hand!

woman in black dress and tied denim jacket on her waist

woman looking at the camera

Blogger Tips & Tricks: Determining How Much to Charge For Freelance Services | by The Luxi Look

Identify your personal value.

What are you bringing to the table? Years of experience and expertise? A unique skill or talent? A large social audience? You need to be bringing value through the services you are offering! It’s okay to do work for free to build up your network, your experience, and the quality and professionalism of your work. Don’t be afraid to learn and grow through doing work for trade – you never know what doors might open up!

Once you feel comfortable with the value you’re offering, you can set a price for your services. This rate may vary from project to project – after all, freelancing really is the wild, wild west.

Consider everything you bring to the table.

Say you are a freelance photographer. You may charge an hourly rate for your services, but you also need to account for your equipment (camera equipment is EXPENSIVE), your skill and expertise that you’ve built up over time (a photographer with 10 years of experience is very different than a photographer with only 6 months), and the time and energy spent on editing (which is oftentimes the most time consuming part!). If you’re working on larger productions, you may also need to account for assistants and any additional staff on your team. This may explain why there is a huge discrepancy in rates – some photographers may offer their services for free, while others charge thousands per hour or have a fixed day rate.

For influencers, the size of your audience can determine your rate. This can include a combination of your reach (how many people see your posts on different platforms) and influence (ability to convert sales or drive traffic). Unsure waht to charge? A general marketing rate is cost per thousand (CPM), or rate per thousand impressions. A couple years ago, I read on a popular fashion blogger’s site that she charged $10 per every 1,000 followers on Instagram, but this is probably no longer entirely accurate.

Blogger Tips & Tricks: Determining How Much to Charge For Freelance Services | by The Luxi Look

woman walking at the bleachers

Determine the value of this partnership.

Are you receiving anything in return for the services asked? Whether it’s free product or the opportunity to have your brand cross promoted to a large audience. You should also consider the potential non-monetary benefits of taking on a certain project. I totally get that the hustle is real when you rely on income from freelance work. Just keep in mind that not all value comes in the form of money!

At the end of the day, freelancing can be incredibly stressful but also incredibly rewarding. You are your own boss and responsible for seeking out and taking on various projects. You have to hustle, and then hustle some more – there’s no one handing you projects or telling you what to do.

Make friends in your industry.

One thing I’ve found incredibly helpful is making friends in a similar industry and having someone to bounce ideas off of and talk to. I think having a strong support system is essential in order to have open dialogue on topics that may feel taboo or hush hush.

Transparency and authenticity are so important in the freelance industry. It’s disappointing and disheartening to see so many people taking shortcuts and choosing to deceive brands and partners. Which is why taking steps towards open conversations and transparency in the industry is so valuable.

Freelancers and creatives – what are your thoughts on setting rates and finding work?

xx, Amy

dress: grana | denim jacket: blank nyc (similar) | backpack: sticks + stones

This post was sponsored and written in partnership with Lulus. As always, all opinions are my own. So excited to partner with Lulus to bring you another post today! Let’s talk about something very, very important for those of us with a 9 to 5 – office attire. (Freelancers, you’re off the hook!). For most of us with a corporate job, there is a range of acceptable dress codes to follow for office style. As a general rule of thumb you want to look put together and professional – never sloppy or inappropriate. I still remember my first suit I bought in college for job interviews, and how I went shopping for work clothes for my internships and my first full-time job out of school.

Office Style with Lulus + Creating a Personal Growth Plan

To be completely honest, work clothes aren’t my favorite. Especially if you’re fortunate enough to have a more laid back dress code (which I’ve noticed almost everywhere in Los Angeles!), spending a ton of money on office attire isn’t ideal. My suggestion would be to build a capsule wardrobe for the office and mix and match. Even when I had my more business professional wardrobe for consulting, I stuck to a foundation of a handful of dress pants and pencil skirts, blouses, cardigans, and blazers. Keep it simple, stupid.

Luckily, Lulus offers a range of clothes that are perfect for the office but won’t break the bank. And even if you’re not a pencil skirt or slacks kind of gal, don’t worry! Lulus has you covered.

A classic black blazer is a MUST, as are silk tops in a variety of colors – I try to stock my closet with one in every color, but a good neutral base is essential! Think white, gray, black, nude, navy. You can’t go wrong with a neutral wardrobe foundation for the office. I don’t wear slacks anymore (sorry not sorry) because I’m lucky enough to get away with jeans and more casual pants in the office, but leather leggings are a good alternative if you can find a pair that isn’t too tight.

See below for complete details on my outfit from Lulus “Office Chic” section.

woman in her Office Style sharing Personal Growth Plan

woman walking  and sharing  Personal Growth Plan

woman in black jacket, leggings, and sharing her Personal Growth Plan

woman holding her black tote bag

Office Style with Lulus + Creating a Personal Growth Plan | by The Luxi Look

OK – now that you’re dressed for success, let’s talk about success in and out of the office. Setting concrete goals and creating a personal growth plan is so important for tracking and measuring self-development.

Let’s talk about self-development.

I’m not perfect. No one is. I don’t aim for perfection, but I am always looking for ways to improve myself and be a better person. We all are! Whether we are aware of it or not, we are constantly changing and growing. Sometimes it is a result of circumstance and experience, other times it is intentional. I am all about intentional self-development. It’s also a quality I love to see in other people. My boyfriend has built his career around self-development. Many of my best friends are always trying to learn and grow. Wanting to focus on self-development is awesome! This can happen in many ways. Sometimes self-development is about learning a new skill or improving an existing one. Maybe you want to be a better cook, learn to speak a new language, or pick up a new hobby.

Self-development can also be around more intangible qualities – how to become a better person. Maybe you want to be kinder, more patient, or generous. You might want to travel to experience more cultures and be more empathetic or open minded. Or maybe you want to dedicate your time to volunteering or mentoring. Whatever aspect of yourself you want to focus on, there are options for self-development!

What is personal growth?

Although every individual’s definition of success is different, we are all on a lifelong journey to become the best version of ourselves. The first thing to do is define what success means to you and identify the areas you want to improve in. Personal growth then becomes the process we go through to understand and continually improve ourselves. Again, this can look different for everyone! My definition of success and goals for personal growth may look very different from yours. My vision and goals for personal growth have changed tremendously in even the past year!

If you’re not sure where to begin, think about areas for personal growth. These can be professional, social, mental, emotional, spiritual, or physical. What are the areas you want to improve in?

What is a personal growth plan?

There’s no such thing as being too prepared! Not saying you should plan out every second of your life, but it doesn’t hurt to have a vision and a plan to achieve your goals. My favorite podcast lately has been “How I Built This” and the other day I heard a quote that I absolutely loved: “luck is the intersection of opportunity and preparedness.”

How I’m going about thinking of my own personal growth plan: journaling, goal setting, reading, and talking to as many people as possible.

Have you ever thought about a personal growth plan? Any resources or tips you found helpful?

xx, Amy

woman drinking coffee

Office Style with Lulus + Creating a Personal Growth Plan | by The Luxi Look

Office Style with Lulus + Creating a Personal Growth Plan | by The Luxi Look

Office Style with Lulus + Creating a Personal Growth Plan | by The Luxi Look

Office Style with Lulus + Creating a Personal Growth Plan | by The Luxi Look

top: lulus | blazer: lulus | leggings: free people from lulus

bag: lulus | shoes: steve madden from lulus

One trend I’m looking forward to bringing into the new season with me is metallic shoes. If you haven’t noticed yet, all things metallic are having a moment, and they’re here to stay for the foreseeable future.

Fall Trend Alert: Metallic Shoes

Knowing myself, I anticipate wearing metallic shoes for a year or so before moving on to another trend. When I want to test out a super trendy piece, I always start low and look to fast fashion sites for inspiration. Public Desire always hits the nail on the head with the latest trends for less. This pair of silver boots is perfect for fall.

(Did I mention they’re only $60 and go with everything?)

Fall Trend Alert: Metallic Shoes by The Luxi Look

Fall Trend Alert: Metallic Shoes by The Luxi Look

Fall Trend Alert: Metallic Shoes by The Luxi Look

I love a good ankle boot. I plan on wearing these ones with dresses, shorts, and denim. This drape-y, oversized blazer has been an easy throw-on-and-go piece for the office. But I’ve been wearing it outside of work as well. I really love the way the hem hits slightly below my denim shorts.

If you’re unsure of how to style metallic shoes (go for boots, sneakers, or a good slide/mule for fall!), it’s really simple. Keep the rest of the outfit neutral and let the shoes be the highlight of your look!

On that note, I’ve been trying to minimize my wardrobe (thinking a clothing rack that keeps all of my most regularly worn pieces of the season in sight may help?). So for every new piece that comes into the closet, at least one needs to go. Not always the easiest thing to do, but my boyfriend loves it (ha!). Now that I have these boots in my closet, I’m looking for something to purge and thinking of more ways to style them. Stay tuned for a full fall trend report coming soon!

woman wearing metallic shoes and looking at her back

closer look of a woman's metallic shoes

back of a woman walking down the street

Shop my favorite metallic shoes below:

blazer: grana

(use code AMYxGRANA for 10% off + free shipping worldwide)

top: bailey 44 | shorts: redone | belt: b-low the belt |

shoes: public desire | backpack: sticks + stones | sunnies: raen

woman walking and wearing stripe shirts, denim shorts and metallic shoes

woman wearing stripe shirts and denim shorts

My weekday style and my weekend style tend to be pretty different.Unfortunately, my love for one piece outfits in the form of rompers and jumpsuits doesn’t always extend into the world of business attire. There are some pieces in my closet are versatile and appropriate enough to be double duty for in and out of the office, and I was determined to make a jumpsuit one of them. So I set out to figure out how to wear one to my 9 to 5.

I will preface this by saying my office dress code does lean much more casual than “business formal” (I’ve long retired my pencil skirts), so sorry to my girls working in more formal settings. For more business casual environments, what I found is that you can dress up a jumpsuit to make it office appropriate (win!). If you’re wondering how to style a jumpsuit for the office, just be sure to keep three basic rules in mind and you’ll be good to go.

How to Style a Jumpsuit for the Office

Styling a Jumpsuit for the Office | by The Luxi Look

Styling a Jumpsuit for the Office | by The Luxi Look

Styling a Jumpsuit for the Office | by The Luxi Look

Three things to keep in mind when thinking about how to style a jumpsuit for the office:

+ Pick your prints wisely.

If you’re going to wear a jumpsuit, try to keep the print and color slightly more subtle – you don’t want to overdo it here! The trick is to choose a print you would normally wear on your pants. If your office is more casual, you might be able to get away with bolder prints, but I would probably stick to solid colors or a simple print that isn’t too distracting. If your office is less conservative, you may be able to get away with bolder prints. I would stick to solid colors and simple prints. I love a good wide legged pant and think they can be incredibly flattering and versatile, so I felt ok going with this striped pattern.

+ Make sure all your bases are covered.

And by that, I mean all of the appropriate body parts. You don’t want to show too much skin! After all, you’re at the office. Keep the cutouts and plunging necklines to after hours only.

+ Layer!

Throw on a blazer (LOVE this one by Grana – the oversized fit is perfect to throw on over a jumpsuit! I keep mine at the office so I can put it on anytime I need to look a little more polished) or a knit sweater or cardigan. If you’re feeling daring, sport a denim or leather jacket. Maybe keep that to Casual Fridays though?

Styling a Jumpsuit for the Office | by The Luxi Look

Styling a Jumpsuit for the Office | by The Luxi Look

cult gaia bag

K. I. S. S. Keep it simple, stupid.  Although I wouldn’t wear this every day to the office, it was fun to repurpose something in my closet and wear something different during the week. What do you think? Would you wear a jumpsuit to work?

xx, Amy

blazer: grana (use code AMYxGRANA for 10% off your first order + free shipping)

jumpsuit: vici | bag: cult gaia

cult gaia bag


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