Office Style with Lulus + Creating a Personal Growth Plan

This post was sponsored and written in partnership with Lulus. As always, all opinions are my own. So excited to partner with Lulus to bring you another post today! Let’s talk about something very, very important for those of us with a 9 to 5 – office attire. (Freelancers, you’re off the hook!). For most of us with a corporate job, there is a range of acceptable dress codes to follow for office style. As a general rule of thumb you want to look put together and professional – never sloppy or inappropriate. I still remember my first suit I bought in college for job interviews, and how I went shopping for work clothes for my internships and my first full-time job out of school.
Office Style with Lulus + Creating a Personal Growth Plan
To be completely honest, work clothes aren’t my favorite. Especially if you’re fortunate enough to have a more laid back dress code (which I’ve noticed almost everywhere in Los Angeles!), spending a ton of money on office attire isn’t ideal. My suggestion would be to build a capsule wardrobe for the office and mix and match. Even when I had my more business professional wardrobe for consulting, I stuck to a foundation of a handful of dress pants and pencil skirts, blouses, cardigans, and blazers. Keep it simple, stupid.
Luckily, Lulus offers a range of clothes that are perfect for the office but won’t break the bank. And even if you’re not a pencil skirt or slacks kind of gal, don’t worry! Lulus has you covered.
A classic black blazer is a MUST, as are silk tops in a variety of colors – I try to stock my closet with one in every color, but a good neutral base is essential! Think white, gray, black, nude, navy. You can’t go wrong with a neutral wardrobe foundation for the office. I don’t wear slacks anymore (sorry not sorry) because I’m lucky enough to get away with jeans and more casual pants in the office, but leather leggings are a good alternative if you can find a pair that isn’t too tight.
See below for complete details on my outfit from Lulus “Office Chic” section.
OK – now that you’re dressed for success, let’s talk about success in and out of the office. Setting concrete goals and creating a personal growth plan is so important for tracking and measuring self-development.
Let’s talk about self-development.
I’m not perfect. No one is. I don’t aim for perfection, but I am always looking for ways to improve myself and be a better person. We all are! Whether we are aware of it or not, we are constantly changing and growing. Sometimes it is a result of circumstance and experience, other times it is intentional. I am all about intentional self-development. It’s also a quality I love to see in other people. My boyfriend has built his career around self-development. Many of my best friends are always trying to learn and grow. Wanting to focus on self-development is awesome! This can happen in many ways. Sometimes self-development is about learning a new skill or improving an existing one. Maybe you want to be a better cook, learn to speak a new language, or pick up a new hobby.
Self-development can also be around more intangible qualities – how to become a better person. Maybe you want to be kinder, more patient, or generous. You might want to travel to experience more cultures and be more empathetic or open minded. Or maybe you want to dedicate your time to volunteering or mentoring. Whatever aspect of yourself you want to focus on, there are options for self-development!
What is personal growth?
Although every individual’s definition of success is different, we are all on a lifelong journey to become the best version of ourselves. The first thing to do is define what success means to you and identify the areas you want to improve in. Personal growth then becomes the process we go through to understand and continually improve ourselves. Again, this can look different for everyone! My definition of success and goals for personal growth may look very different from yours. My vision and goals for personal growth have changed tremendously in even the past year!
If you’re not sure where to begin, think about areas for personal growth. These can be professional, social, mental, emotional, spiritual, or physical. What are the areas you want to improve in?
What is a personal growth plan?
There’s no such thing as being too prepared! Not saying you should plan out every second of your life, but it doesn’t hurt to have a vision and a plan to achieve your goals. My favorite podcast lately has been “How I Built This” and the other day I heard a quote that I absolutely loved: “luck is the intersection of opportunity and preparedness.”
How I’m going about thinking of my own personal growth plan: journaling, goal setting, reading, and talking to as many people as possible.
Have you ever thought about a personal growth plan? Any resources or tips you found helpful?
xx, Amy
top: lulus | blazer: lulus | leggings: free people from lulus
bag: lulus | shoes: steve madden from lulus
You look amaaaazing! and the glasses are perfect for your face and the outfit. Love it!
Great outfit. You look so chic & edgy. Love it.
Kara Aragon
You’re looking fantastic in this laid-back, minimalistic outfit! I love your blazer and tote bag.
Loving this look! A black blazer is definitely a must for me!
Enclothed Cognition
You look gorgeous and I’m loving the leggings! I have a similar pair that I love to wear to work when I want to look professional but still a little edgy x
Great post! I will have to check Lulus out!
Natalie Gennaoui
Ohh, I love this outfit on you! You look gorgeous in this classic office style look 🙂
I love how you’ve styled this look. It’s office acceptable and also fashion forward.
Everything you mentioned about personal growth is beautiful. I think personal growth is so important for success and happiness as well. The biggest thing people aren’t able to do is commit and follow through. For my own personal growth, I have started to write down tasks and goals and make sure I complete at least ONE per week and then increase from there on.
– Jasmine K
I love the approach you take to blog writing. Personal growth is so important to reflect upon. Always a treat to read your posts. <3
xx Sara
What a beautiful office wear inspiration! I love that it can be dressed down easily, if you just take off the blazer!
Jessica |
Definitely a plan of personal growth plans! 🙂 What I love most are people who have personal growth plans outside of their corporate career, people who have passion projects and are doing their best to make their side hustle something bigger! Thank you so much for sharing these great tips about personal growth and developing a plan for it, Amy! Your posts are always so helpful! Hahaha and I agree – the LA corporate environment is really so much more relaxed and it’s great that we don’t have to break the bank to have a whole separate work wardrobe!
XO, Elizabeth
You look so chic and put together! Even though I work from home now, I actually incorporating work pieces like blazers and pencil skirts in my looks – nothing dresses up white tees and jeans like a well-cut black blazer!
Personal growth is very important to me, but I find that without a plan in place it’s easy to get sidetracked and give up. Journaling is also really helpful, and is something I’ve been meaning to start doing again. Thanks for sharing!
Jenny | Geeky Posh
congrats on your partnership! loving this look babe!
XO, Jessi
You look amazing with this outfit!! And congrats on your partnership boo!!
[…] relaxed, and attainable. At the end of the day I still work a corporate job and have to dress appropriately for the office! This particular look combines some of my favorite trends at the moment – white boots and […]
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