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Back from Coachella and I am so excited to share photos from the weekend with you guys!! But first, a little much needed detox recipe – vegan coconut ceviche. I first tried coconut ceviche at Gracias Madre, a vegan Mexican restaurant in West Hollywood (best spicy margs and guac!!) and fell in love instantly. It tasted just as good as the real thing.

Vegan Coconut Ceviche Recipe by The Luxi Look

Note – I’m not vegan. I’ve tried it in the past and it wasn’t for me. But I think the principles of veganism – more fruits, vegetales, healthy grains – is good for you. However, I found myself missing a lot of vital nutrients when I tried a vegan diet. AND I think a lot of vegan substitutes aren’t really that healthy for you! If it says it’s vegan, that doesn’t necessarily mean it’s good for you. With that said, this recipe is delicious and super good for you. Why?

Because coconut does wonders for your bod!

Benefits of eating coconut:

+ Coconut meat is loaded with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants

+ Coconuts are full of healthy fats!! If you want to glow from the inside out, healthy fats including coconut and avocado are some of the best foods you can eat

+ Good for your skin and hair

+ Easy to digest

+ Full of MCTs (<< will do an entire post on this!) which may help with weight loss

Vegan Coconut Ceviche Recipe by The Luxi Look

The meat from a young coconut has a texture and taste that very closely mimics ceviche (the version at Gracias Madre almost tastes like octopus!) when you marinate it. It can be tricky to find the right consistency of coconut – you don’t want it to be too firm or soft. Whole Foods has pre cut young coconut if you don’t want to cut open your own. For this recipe, I asked my boyfriend (nicely) to assist with cracking open the coconut : ).

Once you figure out how to crack open a coconut and scoop the meat out, the rest of the recipe is easy peasy. Be sure to drink the coconut water inside as well!

Vegan Coconut Ceviche Recipe by The Luxi Look

Vegan Coconut Ceviche Recipe by The Luxi Look

Vegan Coconut Ceviche Recipe

  • 1 fresh young coconut
  • 2-3 limes, juiced (depending on how much lime you like)
  • 1 tomato (diced)
  • 1/2 cucumber (diced)
  • 1 avocado (cubed)
  • 1 jalapeno (diced)
  • Salt and pepper (to taste)
  • Optional add ins: onion, cilantro, zucchini, mango

Scoop out coconut meat or take pre cut coconut and cut into small squares. Mix with chopped veggies and cover in lime juice. Marinate until ready to serve (recommend at least a couple of hours). Add avocado and season with salt and pepper to taste. Add more lime juice as needed. Enjoy!!

Vegan Coconut Ceviche Recipe by The Luxi Look

Vegan Coconut Ceviche Recipe by The Luxi Look

Vegan Coconut Ceviche Recipe by The Luxi Look


Acai bowls have been trending for some time now – it seems like a new acai bowl spot is opening up every other week in LA. If you’ve never had an acai bowl before – you’re missing out. They are so. damn. delicious. My good friend and photographer, Lauren, got me totally hooked on making homemade acai bowls. We made these last weekend and I immediately bought the ingredients (all available at Trader Joe’s!), and have been making them practically every day since then. This really is one easy acai bowl recipe! If you’ve ever been intimidated by the thought of making a homemade acai bowl, trust me when I say it is actually super simple.

How to Make a Homemade Acai Bowl – Easy Acai Bowl Recipe

Easy Acai Bowl Recipe | by The Luxi Look

What is acai?

Acai is a popular tropical fruit from Brazil. In the US it is widely available as a puree, which has led to the popularity of acai bowls. Typically consumed in a smoothie or a bowl, acai makes a delicious, quick, and healthy breakfast or snack.

Are acai bowls healthy?

Acai itself is a superfood – filled to the brim with antioxidants! Acai berries are believed to improve skin, digestion, your heart health, and boost your immune system.

BUT – it is important to note that the actual health factor of acai bowls are somewhat mixed. The acai puree itself can contain sugar (when buying frozen packets, be sure to look for ones with no added sugars or additional ingredients other than acai!), and once you add in all of the fruit, juice, and granola, you’re looking at a breakfast that is very high in sugar. Even if it’s natural sugar, it’s something to be aware of. So while you might think you’re having a “healthy” breakfast, once you load it up with toppings, acai bowls can be high in calories and sugar!

One of my health goals for the year was to consume less sugar – so that is something that I have to be aware of when crafting my bowl. With that said, I still absolutely love acai bowls and am so excited to share Lauren’s recipe with you – she seriously has it down to a science!!

Acai Bowl ingredients

organic Acai puree

blend Acai puree with ingredients

assorted fruits in blender

Easy Acai Bowl Ingredients

  • 1 packet frozen acai puree
  • 1 cup all-natural apple juice (make sure apple is the ONLY ingredient! No added sugar or preservatives)
  • 1 cup frozen berries
  • 1 banana
  • Topping ideas: fresh berries, sliced banana, mango, bee pollen, granola, hemp seed, shaved coconut, honey

Blend frozen acai, frozen fruit, banana, and apple juice together until desired consistency (depends on how thick you like your acai bowls – I like mine thick). Pour into a bowl and top with your favorite toppings. My favorite combination is bananas, strawberries, blueberries, granola, bee pollen, and a little honey drizzle.

Optional add ins to the acai include: protein powder, all natural almond butter, spinach, coconut milk, almond milk, mango, pineapple. Make it your own! Enjoy anytime – breakfast, lunch, snack, or dinner : ).

How to Make a Homemade Acai Bowl - Easy Acai Bowl Recipe | by The Luxi Look

How to Make a Homemade Acai Bowl

How to Make a Homemade Acai Bowl - Easy Acai Bowl Recipe | by The Luxi Look

Acai Bowl with fruit toppings

photos by Lauren Alexandra Photography


If it’s not too late for a new year’s resolution (ha!), I have one. Actually, it’s more of a life resolution. When it comes to my diet, my goal is to focus on whole, clean foods with the occasional indulgence here or there. The key is balance. However, I have the craziest sweet tooth and working in an office where there are constantly treats around has not been easy. I found myself reaching for a little sugary something almost every day – a piece of chocolate, half a cookie, a bite of a cupcake. Now that I’ve been reading and learning more about SUGAR and the effects it has on your body, I’m really making it a point to eat less sugar. More on that later, but for now I wanted to share the easiest recipe for a morning or afternoon snack that satisfies your sweet tooth – spicy fruit salad.

If you live in Southern California, you know what I’m talking about. Ever see the fruit carts on street corners selling assorted fruits and vegetables? They’re mixing up spicy fruit salad. When I was in Mexico City, I had the freshest, juiciest mango of my life from a fruit stand – and have been recreating this sweet and spicy concoction at home.

Easy, Tropical Inspired Spicy Fruit Salad by The Luxi Look

It’s so, so easy, and the perfect morning and afternoon pick me up. If you also have a sweet tooth, fruit is the best substitute I’ve found. It’s natural, loaded with vitamins, and water filled. You’ll get an immunity boost from all of the vitamin C and I swear my skin just glows when I eat more fruit.

Not to go all fruititarian on you guys, but I could eat this every day.

Easy, Tropical Inspired Spicy Fruit Salad by The Luxi Look

Easy, Tropical Inspired Spicy Fruit Salad by The Luxi Look

Easy, Tropical Inspired Spicy Fruit Salad by The Luxi Look

Zesty, Spicy Fruit Salad

  • Watermelon
  • Mango
  • Pineapple
  • Jicama
  • Cucumber
  • Fresh lime juice
  • Tajín (<< this is what makes it!)

Cut up fruit into chunks, squeeze fresh lime juice over, and add Tajín liberally. Feel free to add any other fruit or vegetable you like. Papaya and oranges are a great addition as well. If you can’t find Tajín, you can substitute chili powder and a little salt. Enjoy!

xx, Amy

Lately, I’ve gotten into the habit of grabbing a vegan post workout smoothie after a good workout session. Once I realized how easy they are to make at home, I started whipping up different variations in my kitchen that I can’t wait to share with you guys! There really are so many benefits to eating within an hour of working out and making sure to consume a good balance of protein and carbs.

Why it’s important to eat after a workout

+ Your body needs to replenish the glycogen, electrolytes, and fluids that were depleted in your body after a tough workout.

+ Consuming protein within an hour of working out helps repair and build muscle. (See those guys drinking protein shakes at the gym?)

Why I love drinking vegan post workout smoothie:

+ I like to use vegan protein powder because I’m a little lactose intolerant. And whey protein powder, which is derived from milk, can be hard for my stomach to digest. I’m not vegan, but if you are, know that this variation is safe for you to consume and filled with protein!

+ I love smoothies because they’re so fast to whip up and easy, not to mention if you’re really pressed for time you can make smoothie packs ahead of time by zip locking all of the ingredients for one smoothie into a bag in advance.

+ Smoothies are failproof to make. You can use as much or as little of whatever ingredient you have on hand and chances are it’ll taste good. I also prefer smoothies to juices because you keep the fiber from the pulp of whatever fruits and vegetables you blend. : )

So here’s my current favorite variation. I’ll add or subtract ingredients depending on my mood and what I have in the kitchen.

Blueberry Almond Butter Vegan Protein Smoothie Recipe (inspired by Earth Bar)

  • 1/2 frozen banana
  • 1/2 cup frozen blueberries
  • 1 cup almond milk
  • 2 tablespoons raw almond butter
  • 1 scoop vegan vanilla protein powder (I really like Vega)

Blend together, adding more milk or ice until you’ve achieved your desired consistency. For instance, I like mine to be a little thicker. Which is why I like using frozen fruit and adding more ice cubes.

** Extra add-ins if you’re feeling crazy – chia seeds, kale, spinach, greens powder, any superfood powder.

xx, Amy


Let’s talk food. If you follow me on insta or snap, you probably already know that I LOVE to eat. Living in Los Angeles, there are so many options for food. Every type of cuisine at every price point imaginable. We really are so spoiled. With that being said, there are still a handful of spots that are my go-to’s and I eat at on a regular basis. The place I probably go to the most (aka an embarrassing amount) would be Zinqué,. I am OBSESSED with their “Le Bowl.”

Breakfast, lunch, dinner, girls brunch, date night – you name it, Zinqué is my spot. I love their outdoor patio, wine list – perfect at the end of a long week at work – and their fries. YUM.  If we’re friends, chances are I’ve dragged you to Zinqué. If not, let’s go soon.

The thing is – I order the same exact thing every time.

“Le Bowl.”

Sounds fancy, but the “Le Bowl” is really so simple. Brown rice,  avocado, tomatoes, arugula, a little cheese, sriracha mayo, and your choice of protein (I usually get chicken or ahi tuna). So. Damn. Good.

3 bowls of Le Bowl at Zinque in West Hollywood by The Luxi Look

I can’t go there every day and I really need to resist the temptation to go overboard by ordering a glass of wine, those damn fries, and dessert (the flourless chocolate cake is to die for) so I make my own at home when the mood strikes. This has become a weekly occurrence in my apartment.

It’s super easy to make and the perfect lunch or dinner if you’re looking to whip something up quick that’s still delicious and good for you.

Here’s what you’ll need – feel free to adjust the recipe accordingly to your taste. Add more of ingredients you love, remove the ones you don’t.

Ingredients for "Le Bowl" - easy, healthy lunch or dinner

Le Bowl (serves 1)

  • 1/2 cup brown rice
  • 4 oz shredded chicken
    (I bake chicken breasts, shred up a rotisserie chicken, or use “Just Chicken” from Trader Joe’s – no weird ingredients)
  • 1/2 avocado, cubed
  • 1/2 tomato, cubed
    (If you have time, marinate in red wine vinegar for a day. Makes the tomatoes super plump and juicy)
  • Handful arugula
  • Shaved Parmesan cheese
  • Comte cheese (Trader Joe’s has this, otherwise feel free to sub Emmentaler or Gruyere)
  • Salt and pepper
  • Sriracha
  • Mayo

Mix brown rice, chicken, avocado, tomato, and arugula in a bowl. Add cheese to taste. Season with salt and pepper, and dress with sriracha and mayo.

** Healthy substitutions: swap the mayo for greek yogurt and replace the rice with cauliflower rice if you’re trying to go low-carb. You won’t miss them. Vegan? Remove the cheese, chicken, and mayo. Vegetarian? Sub roasted vegetables or egg whites in place of the chicken.

Voila! Tasty, easy, healthy meal. And it goes perfectly with a glass of rosé ; ).

Bon appétit!

xx, Amy

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