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woman wearing Blue Life Shirred Waist Dress and sharing her thoughts on positivity

woman at the beach and wearing Blue Life Shirred Waist Dress and sharing her thoughts on positivity

woman sitting on a rock at the beach and sharing her thoughts on positivity

Blue Life Shirred Waist Dress

Lately, I’ve been thinking a lot about positivity. Are you a glass half full or a glass half empty kind of person? I started asking myself this when I found myself having a bad day. When times are tough, am I focusing on the problem in my front of me (that may be out of my control)? I’ve always believed in being a positive person and trying to see the world through a glass half full approach. What I didn’t realize is that it’s actually better for you to choose positivity. Turns out, there are so many benefits of being positive.

On Positivity

The more I read, the more I’ve realized how powerful positivity actually is.

Positive people…

+ Are healthier and live longer

Several studies have shown that optimists are physically healthier than pessimists. Turns out your attitude matters, and how you perceive the world around you directly has an impact on your health.

Make better leaders

Positive people are more likely to inspire those around them and infect them with their vision and happiness. Think about the people in your life that you respect and look up to – how many of them are happy? I wouldn’t be surprised if many of them were optimists.

Have more successful relationships

Turns out positivity can improve your relationship as well. I’ve noticed myself that when I have a more positive perspective, my boyfriend reacts in kind, as opposed to if I react to a situation negatively.

Handle stress more effectively

Smile and laughter have been shown to help our bodies cope with stress. Did you know stress might actually be as bad for your health as smoking? Yikes. By being positive, you can eliminate some of the negative effects of stress.

Think about it – what are the downsides to having a positive attitude? Maybe you are overconfident in your abilities and take on more work than you can handle. Maybe you end up giving people the benefit of the doubt more often than you should. It’s really NBD. Because I truly believe that if you give more than you receive, the long term benefits will outweigh any short term consequences.

We all have bad days where we want to complain and vent.

It’s easy to get caught up in negative thoughts and emotions. But, the world isn’t out to get you. Bad days will happen, and how you react matters. For me, the answer is simple. Choose optimism. It’s a choice to view the world positively or negatively. It sounds silly, but I’ve been making a concerted effort to be more positive. It helps me brush things off quickly and move on. If something is going wrong or not the way I anticipated, I ask myself, “so what?”

It helps to let go and be positive. Also, who likes a Negative Nancy?? Be positive, and people will want to be around you. Simple as that.

What are your thoughts on positivity? How do you stay positive?

xx, Amy

dress: blue life

photos: jennifer wu

Hiiii! Happy Friday! Still riding that vacation high even though I’ve been back for a week. As you can see in my post on where to eat in Tulum, Mexico was a foodie’s heaven. In my day to day I tend to be pretty healthy in terms of what I eat, and I rarely drink alcohol. But when I travel, I like to try everything because 1. I LOVE food and 2. I do believe trying local cuisine is a fun part of any travel experience. Although I definitely let loose in Tulum, I made sure to be mindful about what I was consuming and how much I was moving. If you’re taking off an extended trip soon, make sure to continue reading for the three easiest tips to avoid gaining weight on vacation.

Also, here are my Tulum recaps in case you missed them:  Part 1 and Part 2. : ) 

How to Avoid Gaining Weight on Vacation

1. Portion control / choose wisely

This is probably the biggest tip – just because you’re on vacation doesn’t mean you need to or should binge on everything in sight! I try to balance my meals throughout the day so I don’t deprive myself of anything, because let’s be real – if you tell me I can’t have something I’m just going to want it more.

Personally, I’m not the biggest fan of breakfast so I try to keep it simple with eggs (protein yay!) or fruit, something light to get my metabolism going and to give me energy for the day. For lunch and dinner I’ll always try whatever new, local dish is in front of me and don’t restrict myself to any “rules.” In general, if you are trying to make smart + healthy choices, stick with fresh fruits and vegetables and lots of protein.

Also, if you’re abroad – lucky you!! Food in European and Asia counties tend to have fewer additives and preservatives, not to mention portion sizes are much smaller. If it seems like food abroad just “tastes better,” you’re not wrong.

2. Limit the booze

Sorry to be a wet blanket, but alcohol is loaded with sugar and empty calories that do absolutely nothing for your body. With that being said, most of us will imbibe from time to time – I had my fair share of mezcal cocktails in Tulum, but made sure to limit the booze before and after the trip. You’ll feel way less bloated and much more clear headed if you do ; ). If you’re going  to drink, make sure to drink LOTS of water on the side to minimize any nasty effects the next time.

3. Incorporate Activity

I have a hard time dragging myself into the gym when I’m on vacation. Call it a total lack of discipline, but I would so much rather experience whatever new city I’m in and explore. I make sure to incorporate LOTS of walking wherever I go. I prefer to see sights on foot and will drag whoever I am with around town on long walks to make sure we don’t miss a thing (all while getting in our recommended 10,000 steps per day).

If I have access to a gym and actually go, I make sure to keep it short. This means cardio intervals or a workout from Kayla Itsine’s Bikini Body Guide. I’ve actually never done the entire book from end to end, but have used it when I was traveling. I love how quick and efficient the workouts are – circuit training is amazing for you and her workouts will get you sweating, fast! The testimonials from Kayla’s fans are INSANE – check out her insta here.

It’s all about balance

At the end of the day, it’s highly unlikely that you will gain 5 pounds over a one week vacation (or even 2 pounds for that matter). Any bloating that occurs is most likely a result of more sodium than you’re used to eating or more alcohol than you typically drink. Once you get home, you’ll find that you’re back to normal in a week or less. At the end of the day, it’s about balance – whenever I travel, I try to keep in mind that I probably will not be returning for some time and remind myself to be present and enjoy the moment.

Keep these three simple things in mind when you travel this summer and you’ll return home feeling great! I hope this post helped – I’m really excited to be incorporating more lifestyle and wellness posts in along with fashion in the upcoming weeks!

xx, Amy

dress: spell (also in white)

With serious wanderlust on my mind, I thought I would share a few some travel tips and tricks I’ve picked up over the years. My first job out of college was in management consulting, aka I was constantly on the go, practically living in airports and hotels. Having lived out of a carry-on sized suitcase for two years, I’d like to consider myself somewhat of a packing pro ; ).

With summer travels coming up, I often hear people complain about packing and how stressful it is. But with a little practice, packing will become practically second nature. While it might be better to plan in advance (I do not recommend waking up at 3am to pack for a 6am flight), if you follow a few simple suggestions, the entire process will be so much easier and much less anxiety-inducing.

Packing Tips

1. Choose the right bag.

My #1 tip: use a carry-on sized bag. I promise you, it can be done (I’ve packed for over three weeks using one carry-on sized suitcase). 

Although there are some exceptions, the vast majority of trips can be tackled with a carry-on size bag. You will live without packing 10 outfits for a weekend trip. Even if you end up checking it (by choice or against your will) there are so many benefits to traveling with a small, compact bag.

The size of the bag you take automatically limits how much you can bring – forcing you to pack smarter and optimize the space you have.

And, we all know flying these days is not always the best experience. Checked bags get lost allthetime. Speaking from experience, it really, REALLY sucks – especially if you’re on a big vacation. Talk about a serious downer. Storing your bag in the overhead cabin can be annoying, but it’ll minimize the chance of your bag getting lost.

A lot of frequent business travelers and flight attendants use Travel Pro – the bags are reasonably priced and durable. I’ve had mine for years. If you’re looking for a quality investment bag, I like Tumi and Rimowa.

2. Plan out your outfits in advance.

This is where being type A comes in handy. Even if you don’t write out all of the outfits you want to wear, it at least helps to have some outfit combos ready mentally in case you do end up packing last minute.

If you’re going to the beach, you’ll most likely rely on swimsuits, lightweight tunics, and denim cuttoffs. If you’re headed for a big city, you’ll want to bring comfortable shoes, jeans, and dresses/tops that can go from day to night.

It also helps to have a color scheme – sticking with neutrals is a safe bet if you’re trying to maximize the space in your suitcase as pieces can be mixed and matched and re-worn, and no one will be the wiser.

I try to incorporate pieces that are lightweight so I get more bang for my buck in terms of space. For example, when I go home to Minnesota over the winter holidays (and it’s FREEZING) I’ll try to only pack one or two heavy sweaters in my carry-on.

3. Limit your toiletries.

I know, I know – this one is hard. But not only are liquids/gels/creams heavy, they take up tons of space. Not to mention the 3.4 oz liquid maximum is a pain in the ass to deal with, and travel sized toiletries are horrendously overpriced. I try to pack as many samples as I can, and find products that can multi-task.

Did you know that many beauty stores will give you free samples? I tend to hoard these like a crazy person, but they really come in handy when you go on trips. I always make sure to ask for samples whenever I buy anything at Sephora, Nordstorm, Aesop, or Kiehl’s. The sales associates are typically more than happy to hook you up.

This is also a great time to bust out any multi-purpose products you have. Need a moisturizer + sunscreen + a little coverage? A bb cream with SPF will save tons of space. Take advantage of hotel toiletries. Leave whatever isn’t absolutely essential at home. Think about if you will survive without 5 hair products for a week (answer: yes, you can).

4. There is such a thing as too many shoes.

Shoes tend to be heavy and take up a lot of space in your luggage. In all honesty, you probably do not need as many pairs of shoes as you think.

If you’re going somewhere cold – wear your tall boots on the plane and pack 1 pair of booties / heels (depending on where you’re going and what the occasion is) in your carry on. That will usually suffice.

If you’re going somewhere warm (yay, lucky you!), you will have a little more space to work with. I would still recommend limiting it 2-3 pairs of shoes, as well as the pair you wear onto the plane.

Also, I like to pack my gym shoes on almost every trip (wishful thinking, maybe) – so either be honest with yourself (are you actually going to work out?) or use that as a forcing function to limit the pairs of shoes you pack.

5. Maximize your hand held carry-on 

In addition to your carry-on suitcase, you’re allowed one personal item. Ladies, take advantage of this situation and bring a giant tote bag! In your bag I recommend packing: a change of clothes, emergency toiletries (toothbrush + toothpaste, anything for contacts if you wear them, any medications you take – this is the stuff you do not want to be without), a book, and a big bottle of water + snacks. 

Everyone has them, but Longchamp totes are great for travel for a reason. They’re lightweight, durable, easy to clean, and foldable. You’ll get a great deal on them in France ; ) but even in the US they are more than worth the price.

6. Wear your heaviest layers on the plane.

Jackets take by far the most room, so be sure to wear yours onto the plane. Also, planes tend to be freezing! Even if you’re flying to or from someplace warm, you’ll be glad you brought that extra layer onto the plane. I also like to pack a shawl or pashmina in my tote bag to use as a blanket if I’m on a red eye or long haul flight. 

At the end of the day, chances are if you’re on a plane and going somewhere, you’re incredibly fortunate. I try to always keep that in mind and remind myself that I’m lucky to have the opportunity and means to travel. So remember to enjoy the journey and the destination.

I’ll be incorporating more travel posts in the upcoming months, in the meantime, what are your best packing tips?

xx, Amy

Flamingos at the Splash House Saguaro Palm Springs

This past weekend was my third time attending Splash House. I love Palm Springs and music festivals, so it really was a perfect weekend. I’ve said it before, but Splash House > Coachella any day. Pool + fun music + laidback vibes + the nicest crowd I’ve ever encountered at a music festival = SUCH a fun weekend (adult summer camp, anyone?).

Splash House

It’s not too late to make plans for August – if you’re in the SoCal area (and even if you’re not), definitely look into Splash House for a fun weekend with friends. I apologize for the lack of photos, but when you’re by a pool all day, the last thing you want to do is drop it in the water or break it somehow. Some tips if you do plan on attending in the future:

Bring Your Own Floaties.

Yes, inflatable pool toys are your best accessory for the weekend.

Splash House Saguaro Palm Springs

Stay at the Saguaro.

This year rooms at the Saguaro sold out quickly. If you are lucky enough to snag a room at this hotel, you’re in luck, because it’s the best home base to have for the weekend. If you stay at either of the Splash House sponsored hotels for the weekend, be sure to decorate your balconies for the #bitchinbalconies contest!


It’s a little crazy to head to Palm Springs in the middle of the summer. Temperatures are regularly above 100 degrees, when you combine that with day drinking, it’s a recipe for disaster if you don’t hydrate properly. Take care of yourself and your friends, and be sure to chug that H20.

Amy Zhang the Luxi Look blogger at the pool

swimsuit: minimale animale (top, bottoms)

Wear Sunscreen.

The desert sun is no joke. I like Sun Bum best (and if you happen to get sunburnt, their cooling gel is amazing).

decors at the Splash House Saguaro Palm Springs

Buy Cheap Sunglasses and Shoes.

The pool deck is a bit of a free for all – people end up grabbing whatever footwear they can get their hands on, so I would advise against wearing your favorite shoes. Same goes for sunnies – don’t wear anything you would be heartbroken to lose.

Amy Zhang the Luxi Look blogger wearing Minkpink Romper

romper: minkpink

Are you attending any festivals this summer?

xx, Amy

Happy Fri-Yay, babes!!! I’m off to Palm Springs this weekend for Splash House. If you haven’t heard of Splash House, it’s a music festival + pool party in the desert that takes place two weekends over the  summer (June 10-12 and August 12-14 – it’s not too late to make plans for August, just saying). I went both weekends last summer and it’s safe to say I might have enjoyed it wayyy more than I enjoyed Coachella. The vibes are way more chill, and who doesn’t love a good pool party? BUT for now I want to talk about getting summer ready (we’ve already talked about shopping for one piece suits here), specifically, how to get summer ready legs.

Summer Ready Legs

Chances are you’re showing off those stems this summer – it’s about time, after being covered up all winter! Whether you feel like you did enough squats and lunges (is that ever possible?), there are a few easy things you can do to ensure that no matter what, you’re putting your best foot forward when wearing those short shorts and miniskirts.


Such a crucial step but often forgotten! Exfoliating is so, so important – it helps your pores open up, allowing for a closer shave, by removing all of the built up dead skin that has accumulated. If you’re ever gone to a Korean Spa and gotten a body scrub… you know what I mean. The amount of dead skin on our bodies is seriously gross.

Use a pre bought scrub or make your own (the most basic version is just sugar and oil!).


After exfoliating your skin, it’s time to de-fuzz! When it comes to hair removal, it’s not always clear what the best option is. I’ve tried practically every method of hair removal out there – I’m currently doing laser hair removal on my lower legs and still shave occasionally, but have also waxed in the past. Here’s my take:

If you’re going to shave, use a men’s razor. I steal my boyfriend’s – I’m convinced the blade is better. Pros of shaving: it’s fast, cheap, and you can do it yourself. Cons: shaving can lead to painful ingrown hairs, itchy skin, and hair grows back quickly. You also run the risk of nicking yourself and bleeding everywhere if you’re not careful. Ow.

Waxing is a great option

By removing the hair from the root, hair will grow back more smoothly and finer. I’ve never found waxing to be terribly painful, but everyone’s tolerance for pain is slightly different, so keep that in mind if you’re considering waxing. Other cons: waxing can be pretty expensive and you need to wait for hair to grow a certain length before you can wax again (the hair needs to be long enough so that the wax can stick).

Currently I am loving laser hair removal because I am lazy and hate shaving. It can be expensive, but I found a great deal through Lifebooker that made the price much more reasonable (be sure to look up reviews before purchasing any sessions). The laser shoots highly concentrated light onto your hair follicle, effectively “killing” that hair. I will say the pain level is probably equivalent to if not less than waxing. Laser hair removal won’t remove your hair permanently (after the initial sessions, which are performed 4-6 weeks apart, you will still likely have to go for touchups every few months or so), but it is the closest thing I’ve tried. Highly, highly recommend – feel free to shoot me an email or leave a comment below if you have any questions.


Summer weather + the sun can definitely lead to drier skin, especially if you’re shaving. If you have delicate skin, the razor can leave your legs dry and itchy. Obsessively moisturizing helps. I like coconut oil because it’s cheap and smells amazing, but any lotion will work. And remember to wear sunscreen!


If you can’t tone it, tan it. Almost everyone looks better with a tan. I prefer to get my color artificially from a spray or bottle as opposed to the sun – custom airbrush tans are amazing, but if you’re in a rush your local drugstore or Sephora carry products that will do an amazing job mimicking a spray tan.

My skin bruises easily and I have scars from falling a LOT as a child, as well as from super pesky bug bites that don’t seem to go away (insert crying emoji here). Spray tans and tanning lotions are a godsend as they really help minimize the appearance of any imperfections and help you achieve that airbrushed look you see in magazines.

Some of my favorite products to fake that perfectly smooth and glowing appearance:

Say Hello to Sexy Legs

Apparently, contouring isn’t just for your face (which I still have yet to master), you can do it on your legs as well! They were kind enough to send me their 3 step system and I have to admit I’m pretty impressed. Even I (a contouring novice) was able to apply the products flawlessly.

Here’s a handy YouTube video that shows exactly where to apply the products – you can buy their products at Sephora. I like the tinted glow gel best, but the body contour stick is pretty fun to play with as well.

St. Tropez Self Tanning Mousse

My favorite at home tanning product, and it is absolutely worth the price. A bottle lasts forever, and this stuff does not streak (!!) – PLUS it actually gives you glow that screams “I just spent a week sunbathing in St. Tropez.”

Also, I know every tanning product out there claims to not leave you orange, but this stuff is the real deal. Oh, and if you’re having issues applying, this mitt helps a lot, if you’re having trouble.

Sally Hansen Airbrush Tan

This stuff is advertised as pantyhose in a can, LOL. But in all seriousness, my girlfriends and I swear by this product. It’s easy to apply and leaves you with flawless legs.

Hopefully this was helpful –  I’m off to do all of the steps outlined above now before lots one glass of rosé by the pool this evening. Happy (fake) tanning, and have an amazing weekend, everyone!

xx, Amy

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