Law of Attraction

Ok, I have to ask… what are your thoughts on the law of attraction? If you’re not familiar with the concept, it’s the idea that “like attracts like.” To put it simply, if you give positive energy, you’ll attract and receive positive energy. If you give negative energy, you’ll attract and receive negative energy. It’s thrown around a lot, especially in LA. I started to look into it recently and my feelings are totally mixed.
Not trying to be all new age and weird on you guys (for the record I don’t get my tarot cards read and I only jokingly talk about my horoscope), but I couldn’t help but notice that the law of attraction is… kind of true.
You’re probably thinking, hold up, she’s lost it – but here’s the thing. Doesn’t it, on a somewhat baseline intuitive level, kind of make sense? I wouldn’t go so far to say that it’s a “law” (we’re not talking physics here, guys) but it isn’t a bad principle to live by.
Law of Attraction
In our daily lives, often what we give is what we get. Think about when you’re walking around on the street. What is everyone doing? They’re most likely walking past you, barely looking at you or focused entirely on their phones. But what happens when someone smiles at you? Maybe it takes you by surprise, and maybe you’ll smile back at them. Try it today – smile at 10 strangers and see how they respond. You’d be surprised by how many people break their mold to reciprocate.
Even on a deeper level, it kind of makes sense. “When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.” It’s all about perception. Isn’t it interesting how two people can look at the same exact situation and see things so differently? One person might see a setback that brings them down, the other a challenge that will take them to the next level.
I couldn’t help but look into the law of attraction when very recently, I was being a typical millennial and having another quarter-life crisis about my career and destiny. After complaining to my boyfriend the 286276x time he gave me another pep talk (he’s the best) and helped me shift my mindset, view things more positively, and then – the craziest thing happened. It was almost as if an opportunity came knocking on my door.
Maybe it’s because when we’re positive, we see things differently.
I see this every day in life. I do my best to recognize it in myself and others around me. If someone is seeing things through a negative lens, I do my best to flip it into a positive. (Note: Not trying to be that annoying girl that doesn’t let you complain – I recognize not every situation is appropriate for this and I totally get that not everything in life can be perfect and happy. BUT a lot of the things we complain about in our day to day is small and more often than not, #firstworldproblems.)
What do you think? Am I completely crazy? It has been a really crazy time of year so who knows, I may have totally lost it – but I’d love to hear your thoughts!!
xx, Amy
dress: astr | jacket: all saints | shoes: topshop
You look so beautiful! Amazing style!
Love this monochrome look babe! I am obsessed with the crochet detailing on the trim of your dress! The burgundy keychain on your bag is also so adorable <3
XO Jessi,
Thanks Jessi! Happy hump day babe xx
Great read! I also have days when I freak out about my future, goals, etc, but my husband is always there to remind me of the good things,possibilities and motivate me. BTW, you look stunner in this look! Thanks for sharing this post! =)
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Thanks for reading, Alyssa! xx
Loved this post and this look!
Such a cute jacket, looks great with your dress!
Thank you doll! xx
Love this post and your dress! I don’t know if I would say that I believe in the law of attraction, but I do believe that our own perception plays a big part. Sometimes we can change the negatives to positives only by change of mindset. = )
– Jasmine K
Haha I’m totally with you on that one Jasmine. Thanks for reading doll xx
I actually think you are pretty right about positive thoughts attracting positive energy. I had a really horrible day today and your post kind of put things in perspective. Hopefully it will be a better day tomorrow! Love the pictures – especially the bag.
Thanks so much for reading babe. I’m sorry to hear you had a horrible day but I’m glad you feel a little better now! You totally have the right perspective and energy – there’s always a chance for a new day! Hope today is much better for you babe. xx
That dress is just gorgeous! Love the whole look. While I’m not really a “law of attraction” kind of person, I do believe that a positive outlook, or the way you react and handle things can ultimately change everything. 🙂
Couldn’t agree more Jeanne. Thanks for reading babe xx
I agree, we get out what we put in. I think smiling and saying hello to people you walk by makes you feel like you are a part of a community. Then you have no idea what it could mean for them or how much it can add to their day.
xx Jenelle
TOTALLY agree Jenelle! It was a lot more common to see that where I grew up, but you don’t always experience it living in a big city! It’s a nice reminder to drive that change within ourselves first : ) xx
This outfit is so gorgeous!
Thanks Aria babe! xx
Love your blog! Also, are you a full time blogger now? If not, what is your full time job? I’m always curious to learn more about blogging careers. 🙂
Thanks so much Melissa! Glad you stopped by. I’m not a full time blogger! I work in corporate strategy in the entertainment industry. What do you do? xx
You look so chic! This dress look gorgeous on you!
Thanks so much babe! xx
This dress is absolutely gorgeous! And the leather jacket make it look more edgy!
Tamara –
Aww thank you love! xx
That is a fabulous look on you!
BLES Magazine: the online magazine about Beauty Life Entertainment & Style!
Hi Amy I love this post! I would not call it a law, but I do believe that those who are positive and loving towards others and themselves would probably choose to be around people who are also positive and loving. I also believe that those who are capable to see positivity in difficult situations, are able to keep going until a door opens up and things change. Whereas those who see negativity in everything end up giving up or not doing things with excellence when circumstances are not right which ends up closing doors of opportunity. I am glad that you were able to see positivity when going through a difficult situation.
If it helps I am happy to tell you that I am a big fan of your blog and insta …I think you have an amazing style and your hard work shows through each one of your posts. I am sure that you inspire many other bloggers like myself 🙂
Hey Fe, I couldn’t agree more. Thanks for reading and your support from day 1… you totally inspire me!! Keep up the amazing work babe! Hope you’re well : ) xx
I adore the combo of this jacket and dress! Absolutely fantastic look!
It’s totally a thing! Having a psychology background and a life-long mindfulness practitioner, this is 100% true. The law of attraction or whatever it’s called, helps you develop positive lens through which the world just looks and feels more positive.
You should look into the school of positive psychology. This book by Shawn Achor is probably my favorite book EVEr on the topic – enjoy!!
Oooooh def checking this out!! THANK YOU Jessica!! I’m so glad you agree – please share more of your wisdom! Love reading your blog 🙂 xx