Healthy Foods That Can Make You Bloated

When thinking about how to get rid of bloat, we tend to focus on cutting out the stuff that’s obviously bad for you. Too much salt, sugar, booze – the usual culprits. I mean if something is loaded with sugar and saturated fats, you’d think it would also cause bloating, right? But did you know there are tons of healthy foods out there as well that can cause bloat? Well as it turns out, the culprit behind bloating most of the time is actually healthy food.
According to this article, bloating is caused when the small intestine can’t digest certain carbohydrates known as FODMAP (short for fermentable oligosaccharides, disaccharides, monosaccharides and polyols). Because they can’t be digested, they get passed on to the colon where they are fermented by bacteria, which then produces gas. This doesn’t necessarily mean your body is intolerant of the foods that are digested this way. However, if you experience discomfort from bloating frequently, it is something to consider.
Here is a list of common healthy foods high in FODMAP that can disrupt gut bacteria and cause bloating.
Healthy foods that may cause bloating
+ Cruciferous vegetables – these include broccoli, cauliflower, kale, cabbage, and brussels sprouts. It doesn’t mean you shouldn’t eat them – you should! They are loaded with vitamins and are so good for you. Just be sure to avoid them right before wearing a bikini or crop top.
+ Whole grains – barlery, rye, and wheat are oftentimes the culprit behind pesky bloating. Again, healthy whole grains are part of a balanced diet. However, you should consider cutting them out for a day or two if you’re trying to debloat.
+ Legumes – beans are so good for you (filled with lots of fiber and vegetarian protein!). Unfortunately, they are known for causing gas and bloating as you digest them. Watch out for lentils, beans, and chickpeas.
+ Dairy – the jury’s out on whether dairy has a place in your healthy diet or not (I try to consume in moderation), but it is known to cause bloating, especially if you are lactose intolerant. I read that a lot of models avoid dairy because it makes them bloated. I can’t imagine a life without ice cream or froyo, but if I’m really trying to flatten my stomach, I’ll skip it for a few days.
+ Fruits – yes, even some of your favorite fruits can cause bloating!! Stick to bananas and low sugar berries and pass on apples, pears, and plums.
If you’re looking to find ways to counteract bloating, a simple adjustment to your diet could do just the trick.
Add in some detoxifying spices like cayenne and turmeric to smoothies or your water bottle. These stimulate digestion and can help ease any cramping. Salt is something to look for as well because adding too much of it to any food can cause you to retain water and get that bloated feeling. And of course, there are always some easy tricks to de puff your face when you need it most!
I also want to note that not all of the foods I listed are guaranteed to cause bloating or discomfort, they just simply contain high levels of FODMAPs. Your best bet is to pay attention to how your body is reacting to what you eat and adjust from there.
Did you know healthy foods were the culprits behind bloating?
Thank you so much for this comprehensive list, Amy! 🙂 I’ve known about broccoli and cauliflower for awhile now, but I didn’t know about apples and pears! Definitely some things to keep in mind before hitting the pool or beach!
XO, Elizabeth
I didn’t know about those fruits, I always thought I needed to skip bananas haha. Thanks for sharing, this was sooo helpful!
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