Getting Up Close and Personal with the Brains & Beauty Behind Daily Kongfidence

Meet Christine from Daily Kongfidence
Introduce yourself and your blog!
Hi, my name is Christine Kong of @dailykongfidence and Daily Kongfidence. I started my blog a year ago (seven months after I started my Instagram account) to provide more than just photos of my outfits. I wanted a place for my readers to go to get style tips and advice, why I pick certain accessories or statement pieces to create a look, and also to see a more personal side of me that you don’t get off the little squares of Instagram from my personality through my writing, lifestyle choices, to motivational posts.
How would you describe your style?

You manage to incorporate current trends into your style while still maintaining a classic and effortless look. What’s your advice to girls when it comes to juggling the two and mixing high and low?
I love mixing high and low price points. I’m a firm believer that just because it’s expensive doesn’t mean it looks good. I have found so many affordable pieces from Forever 21, H&M, and even Amazon that get plenty of compliments and have even lasted through the years. And let’s not forget about my love for Zara. I can easily add ten items to my cart every time I shop online.
For my every day basics, I tend to invest in quality materials (“basics” would be like tee shirts, white button down shirt, leather jackets, jeans) because honestly, the fit matters in these and I will wear them till they literally fall apart. I also have an affinity for luxury bags and shoes just because I do have daughters that I can pass them down to (that’s my excuse and I am sticking to it) and dainty gold jewelry.
How has your style evolved over the years?
Where do you turn to for inspiration?

You’re also a super fabulous mom of three (!!) – seriously, how do you do it all?!
You are too sweet. Yes, I am a mom of three kids and I am fortunate enough to stay at home with them. I picked up blogging to actually inspire other moms out there yet ironically I don’t post as a #momblogger nor ever show my kids on my feed (blame my overprotective hubbie for that). =) I try to squeeze in blogging, photo shoots, writing content, events, emails, etc, in the times I am not in “mom mode” and I guess over the past year or so I’ve just gotten really good at time management and being efficient when I do something. Don’t get me wrong, every day I struggle and am rushed for time, but I am fortunate to be able to support my kids at home and at school while also doing what I am passionate about.
What’s your workout routine?
I used to be a workout fanatic, going to the gym every weekday if possible. To be honest, blogging actually took the place of me working out so much because I did have to give up some of my time to fit it all in. But this year I have made an effort and commitment to myself to get healthy and strong again. I run on the treadmill 2-3x a week and also do weights alternating between lower body, upper body, abs and full body 3x a week. If I don’t have time to hit the gym, I do BBG at home since that is a quick 28 minute workout but really gets me into shape.
Any diet tips and tricks for busy moms and women on the go?
Lately I have been meal planning which sounds like a lot of work, but really it saves me time during the week. I prepare my lunches and dinners on Sunday night so that I have all my meals ready for the week. The only downside is that you eat the same boring meal every day, but it’s healthy, already premade when you eat it, so basically a win-win. And for breakfast I usually eat overnight oats (also prepared the night before to save time in the morning), egg white omelet, avocado toast, but first, always a latte.

What are some of the challenges you’ve faced blogging and balancing everything in life in general?
How do you stay motivated?

What are the last three clothing items you bought?
I purchased an amazing off the shoulder bikini off Amazon for under $20 for a trip, my first pair of 501 Levi’s which I LOVE, and this Zara crop top with exaggerated shoulders.
What are your go-to beauty products?
If you’re asking what I never leave home without is sunscreen, my eyebrows, and mascara. These are my must-haves for me to leave the house. If I don’t have those on, you don’t even want to see me. For sunscreen I am a HUGE fan of Elta MD. For my brows I use Anastasia DipBrow Pomade and Benefit’s Brow Zing. For mascara, I have used Maybelline Waterproof for years. I’ve tried other brands but I have always gone back to Maybelline. As far as skincare products, I am a huge believer in Essence, serums, and sheet masks (it’s the Korean in me).
Favorite brands you’ve discovered through blogging?
There are so many amazing brands (just like bloggers) and it’s hard to pick just a few. Minusey is a Korean company I discovered where they make statement pieces and the latest looks at an affordable cost, but using high quality fabrics. They remind me a lot of Storets (another brand I discovered through blogging), but have yet to work with. Mejuri is a jewelry line that I truly love. They make the daintiest, everyday pieces from real gold at amazing prices. I love them so much I actually buy many gifts from them for my friends and family. I also just discovered DSTLD which is an LA company that makes premium denim and luxury essentials but at an affordable cost. Just got some high waisted jeans and a white leather jacket from them that I am so excited about.
What are three trends you’re loving for summer?
We’ve all seen the statement sleeves, but lately I have been drawn to the statement shoulders. I just purchased some tops with exaggerated shoulders and I am so excited to wear them because they just exude confidence and poise. The other trend I love is white accessories. I love the way white pops in a look so I recently added some white sunglasses to my collection and also obsessed with white shoes from pumps to mules to sneakers. The last trend that appeals to my more casual/ basic side is slogan tees. I love a tee and denim look and I am glad brands like Gucci, Levi’s, and Tommy Hilfiger are making slogan tees that can be worn casually but also dressed up with a mini skirt or a pleated maxi skirt.
For more of Christine’s rockstar style, travel adventures, and daily adventures, be sure to check out her blog and Instagram.
Christine is such an amazing blogger and woman! I love reading her posts and insight into style and life in general! Great interview with great questions hun!
Loving this inspirational post! 🙂 It’s always so nice to read about other bloggers’ journeys on your blog Amy! <3 Christine is definitely an inspiration, and I wish I can manage time as well as she does! And loving her laid-back, effortless style so much!
XO, Elizabeth
love all the looks, so chic , love your blog
I am really enjoying this series and learning about new bloggers out there! This is such an interesting read 🙂
Thank you so much for this feature! I loved reading about the other bloggers you featured before me and think this is such a great idea. You truly were one of the first bloggers I connected with and I continue to be amazed by your maturity, hard work, and total inspiration. Many hugs and kisses. xoxo, Christine
Christine is definitely one of my favorite bloggers! I actually look up to her being a mother and a fashion blogger simultaneously because I know that’ll be me one day. It motivates me to continue the path I’m going and I can still be just like her! Her style is always so effortless and chic. Plus it helps that she shops at some of my favorite stores 🙂
this is so important! thank you so much for posting!
Love, Tiffany Lea
Great interview, I love her style too and what she stands for. She’s so beautiful.
I love Christine, she has fast become one of my favourite bloggers in the past year. This was such a good little read too, you asked some good questions! I definitely get the importance of time management and prioritising your own wellness. It can be a tricky balance, but a rewarding one as well.
Looking forward to reading more of these profiles!
xx Jenelle
Christine’s style and personality are definitely inspiring!
Ahhh this was so much fun to read! Christine is the absolute sweetest and such a talented individual. I loved learning more about her through this interview-style post! Thank you for sharing!
she does have a really cool style
can’t believe she’s a mom of 3!
I mean, look at those legs!
The Sweetest Escape
She was one of the first bloggers I noticed when I first started blogging. Her style is effortless and on point.
xo | Cindy Elena
This is absolutely beautiful – love the post and all the looks, they’re all absolutely gorgeous and perfect for this time of year! 🙂
Hope you’re well and wishing you a great week! 🙂
Layla xx
I started following her on IG not that long ago and really enjoyed reading her interview as you can really get to know the bloggers and their inspirations. I am now heading over to her blog that I hadn’t yet visited… Thanks for sharing, Amy! Hope you are having an awesome week, gal ♥
Saida | She talks Glam
Love seeing this feature on Christine! Her style is always on point!
I love her blog! It is so nice of you to do this feature – it only goes to show how amazing the support in this community is!
Jessica |
I love Christine’s style! She is always rocking the minimalist cool vibe. Loved reading this interview with her.
xo, Jo
Christine you are amazing. How is the world do you juggle raising three children, deciding on what you are going to blog, following other bloggers, and on and on. You definitely have a a lot of energy. Thanks for sharing. Love your bags and shoes.
You two are literally my most favorite bloggers at the moment who are just so real and genuine. I can’t tell you how much I loved this post! And OMG Minusey… this site’s REALLY got me now I am hoping I don’t walk about spending too much. How did I not know this brand??
Loved reading this intimate interview. Good job coming up with these great questions, Amy!
Jessica || Cubicle Chic
Great profile! I love Christine, you’re right, her style is so effortless!
I love Christine’s blog and her Instagram! Definitely a style icon and mum goals haha she must be an expert at time management juggling three kids and all her blogging responsibilities xx
I remember when you first started blogging, you have described yourself as the denim girl!! Denim really suits you girl!! I would say you totally rock the denims!!! Love the first and 2nd outfit of yours! it’s just so Christine!
xx, Jessie
I love reading her blog, so it was fun reading this thorough interview of Christine 🙂 It’s crazy how she juggles raising three kids and keeps up with her amazing blog. I’m sure she’s a huge inspiration for other stylish mamas out there!
What an inspiration Christine is to all. I mean I blog full time and moan about not having enough time, but she manages three kids on top of that. Quite extraordinary if you ask me and she’s definitely a role model!
Omg thank you so much for sharing this!!! I absolutely love her instagram and blog and I feel like I know her even better now. Total #lifegoals here. It’s so awesome to hear about other people’s journey and how they got into this business.
I absolutely love Christine!! Is one of the bloggers I look forward looking up since she clearly have such a great style!!
I started following her last year and still haven’t meet her in person but she looks like a great human 🙂