Foray Malibu + Everything You Want to Know About the Business of Blogging

Last week, I was invited to spend a day hanging at the Foray Collective house in Malibu. My girlfriend and photographer, Lauren, happened to be there as well and we spent the afternoon shooting and catching up. At one point I had to stop myself and just be present and appreciate where I was and what I was doing at the moment – I was in Malibu, right on the beach along the Pacific Ocean. At the most insanely stunning house, shooting clothes from racks filled with gorgeous pieces from some of my favorite brands, with an entire hair and makeup team on hand for touchups and styling.
It was the perfect afternoon filled with hanging with badass creatives and content creators… I had to pinch myself. How is any of this real? As someone who still works a full time job but straddles the blogging world from time to time, the business of blogging is a world I’m still learning about every day and one that continues to astound me.
Not sure what exactly it is that bloggers do? You’re not alone.I wanted to share my take on the industry with you guys to clear the air on what it is that bloggers do and answer any questions you may have.

Here are some FAQs on the business of blogging I’ve been asked and come across during my time as a blogger.
What do bloggers/digital influencers do?
It totally depends on the person – blogging is similar to any creative or freelance job in that it really is up to you to define what it is, and the sky truly is the limit! What I can tell you is, it’s so much more than just taking pictures of yourself. So much detail and planning goes into blogging!
First, there are countless types of blogging.
If you’re reading this post, you’re probably familiar with fashion and lifestyle bloggers. These types of bloggers also tend to use social media (Instagram, Snapchat, Facebook, YouTube) heavily to promote their content. Some bloggers are only active on certain platforms (Instagram only bloggers are popular right now, churning out high quality photos and content on the ‘gram on a daily basis, YouTubers tend to focus heavily on their video channel, and who could forget Vine Stars?), but the traditional definition of blogging usually involves having your own website and sharing content on that space.
Blogging as a business has been around for decades.
Fashion, travel, lifestyle, food, health and wellness blogs are typically the ones that I frequent, but there are blogs on pretty much every niche and topic. Name a hobby or interest, and I guarantee there are countless blogs on that subject. Today, there is an entire business behind blogging. I’ll focus primarily on fashion and lifestyle blogs since those are the topics I am most familiar on, but the economics of most blogs will be similar. The most successful blogs are comparable to traditional print and digital media publications in terms of their reach and influence, and they work side by side in the fashion industry with designers, brands, PR firms, and marketing teams.
In terms of what bloggers do, the short answer is they are creating and sharing content (information, photographs, videos, etc.) through various digital channels. Many consider themselves influencers as well – curating and sharing their opinions and lifestyles to inspire and influence their audiences. These audiences can be incredibly loyal, making bloggers and influencers extremely valuable to brands. Top bloggers have been known to sell out items and products after sharing them to their fans.
dress: flynn skye | sunnies: wildfox
Why are bloggers invited to so many events and get so much free stuff?
Similar to why magazine editors and other members of the press are invited to events! Bloggers are often invited to events to learn about new brands or collections. Brands launch and share their products, often in a very Insta worthy setting (gotta do it for the ‘gram). This allows them to reach a larger audience through press and influencers than they may be able to on their own. These events are also opportunities for people to connect in this increasingly digital world. Even though so much of the action happens online, you can’t discount the value of in person meetings and communication.
Same goes for all the free stuff. If you’ve ever watched an unboxing on YouTube or Instagram stories, you might be asking yourself how the hell that works. This is nothing new! Fashion and beauty brands have been gifting product to magazines and celebrities for years, hoping to get placement and press. Most brands have a marketing budget which traditionally includes a certain amount to be allocated to press and advertising. Influencer marketing is now often a part of that budget.
cardigan: barefoot dreams
They make money… how?
There are several different ways to generate income as a blogger or influencer. If you own a website or YouTube channel, you can monetize your site or channel through advertising. It typically pays per impression, click, or view. If you have a high traffic site or channel, you can easily make passive income off of content you’ve already created. Another way bloggers can monetize their content is through affiliate links. These are links that pay a small amount either per click or per conversion (purchase) as a way to incentivize bloggers to drive traffic to particular items or retailers.
Through social media, influencers can generate income through sponsored posts and brand partnerships – if you’ve ever seen #ad, #sponsored, or #partner on Instagram, this means an individual is partnering with a brand to promote its products and being compensated for it. This rate varies by individual, brand, and scope of work.
Blogging is incredibly entrepreneurial, and it’s not uncommon to see bloggers creating their own product lines or partnering with brands for exclusive collections. In this day and age, many digital influencers can also be seen transitioning into acting, modeling, or even hosting.
Top bloggers can easily rake in six figures through these various methods of monetizing their content and brand.
poncho: barefoot dreams
Is it difficult to be a blogger?
It depends. Anyone can call post to social media or create a website and technically call themselves a blogger. Creating amazing content that actually draws people in and inspires them is a totally different story. It really depends on you and your goals though. If you’re looking for a creative outlet or an opportunity to share your life with the world, I highly recommend it. Blogging has opened up my eyes to the world and given me a lot of opportunities I would never have otherwise. With that said, it can be a lot of work. Ask any blogger if their job is difficult and they will tell you YES! The amount of time and energy that goes into a single post can be insane.
So… how do I become an influencer?
Like all things in life, there’s no easy or clear cut answer or one singular path to success. I wish I knew the answer and could tell you! Everyone’s journey and story is different. If I had to give an answer, I would say to pick a niche. Choose a topic you’re knowledgeable and passionate about. Then pick a platform (website, YouTube, Instagram, etc.), and just get started. Consistency, passion and quality of content alway shine through.
Do you guys find these kinds of posts helpful? Should I do more? LMK what you think in the comments below.
xx, Amy
Yes, I’m absolutely in love with these blogging tips 🙂 The thing about blogging is that it’s a relatively new industry, and it’s always so helpful to see how other successful influencers got to where they are at! Loved how informational this post was (especially for relatively new bloggers).
A question that’s been burning in the back of my mind lately is what is considered an average rate to charge brands for collaborations/sponsored posts. Would definitely want to see a post about this (though I know it’s a generally sensitive topic), but I’m genuinely curious as to whether or not some brands are low-balling influencers?
Thank you for sharing these great tips, Amy! <3 Hope you're having a great week!
XO, Elizabeth
Great question, Elizabeth! I’ll do a post on this topic in the next week or so. Have a great weekend! xx
Awesome place and great photos! You look amazing <3
First off, loving these pictures – Malibu is so beautiful and you captured the carefree vibe perfectly. Also, love that you answered these questions, it’s so important for bloggers to do their part to ensure transparency in the industry!
Girl, your beach photos are just GOALS! I loved reading the answers as well!
Have an amazing day!
xx Kris
Great post, I do find posts like yours very helpful to get a better perspective and even learn few new tricks. Keep them coming
Great post, thanks for sharing 🙂
Camille xo
Yes… I’d LOVE more posts like this but of course, I am biased :p LOVEd reading this post Amy! It’s once again written with the friendly but clear and concise tone of voice you have. It explains what bloggers do so well.. I don’t think I could’ve summarized it as well!
Jessica || Cubicle Chic
YES! Please continue to do more post like this one!
Cindy |
This place is Instagram-worthy and so are your outfits! Love that first look the most 🙂
Jessica |
Loooved this post Amy, it’s always so helpful to have clear explanations and inside views about the business, particularly when you get into one with so many grey areas as blogging 🙂 I agree blogging is a lot of work and although I am still working hard to monetize my blog, I hope this effort will pay off eventually. Glad to read you had such a great time at the event and you look stunning in every single picture, dear
Much love from England
Saida | She talks Glam
What a great spot and event to be at. Great post. Blogging is definitely something you make your own. It can be as much or as little as you want it to be and it all takes a lot of work. I find anything worth having in life is never easy. I love events because, as you said, you see product and experience it up close, but you also get to meet other people. I’m an extrovert, so I love meeting people for the sake of meeting them and having similar interests is a bonus. 🙂 I hope you continue to grow and grow. It’s always great to see those around me succeed. 🙂
I always love your posts and what a wonderful experience to be invited to hang with Foray! You have been an inspiration since we first connected on IG a few years ago and it has been amazing to watch you grow and build your brand. This is a wonderful post and the advice I would have to those that want to start is…just start and do it! The first post is the hardest and then you figure it out as you go. That’s what we all are doing, right? =) xoxo, Christine
Lovely post and adorable beach looks. Thanks for sharing!
xx Sara
[…] for the Self Employed App, which helps me track this information and have a holistic view of my blogging business in the current year as well. You can also track mileage through this app, which you can deduct at […]
[…] huge highlight of blogging has been building relationships with brands. Especially ones that I wore and loved for years before […]