You Are What You Eat! Superfoods to Add to Your Diet This Week

Superfood is a bit of a health buzz word, but for good reason. The name is fitting – superfoods are exactly what their name sounds like! They are foods that are highly rich in nutrients and have a variety of health benefits. Basically, foods that you should be eating more of. After doing some research, I found out there are so many superfoods that are not only good for you, they happen to be in season right now! Read on for some of my favorite fall superfoods (bonus: they’re all vegan!) that I’m really loving right now + some of the health benefits they offer. Notice how they’re all fresh and so vibrant in color and taste.
Vegan superfoods that are in season right now:
+ Pomegranate:
A real bitch to get all the seeds out (unless you buy the little packages of seeds that have already been removed and cleaned), but trust me when I say the juice is worth the squeeze. Pomegranates are filled with antioxidants and Vitamin C. This superfood packs a real punch and has anti-inflammatory benefits, which helps reduce the risk of a variety of diseases such as cancer, diabetes, and heart disease. If you’re drinking green tea or red wine for their antioxidants, then you need to be drinking pomegranate juice. Pomegranates contain 3x the amount of antioxidants as green tea or red wine! Insane, right? I love just eating the seeds raw on their own, but they also taste great in an arugula or kale salad or mixed into greek yogurt.
+ Apple:
Turns out an apple a day really does keep the doctor away. Apples are a cheap and accessible superfood! My favorite is the Honeycrisp variety, but there are so many different ones you can try at your local grocery store or farmer’s market. Growing up in the midwest, apple picking was one of my favorite fall activities! Apples are full of antioxidants and fiber and are the perfect snack! Studies have also shown that eating a small apple before meals can help you eat less during your actual meal, helping with weight loss!
+ Acai:
I love a good acai bowl! I love making my own topped with berries, bee pollen, and coconut flakes (<< even more superfoods!). Acai has even more antioxidants than other types of berries, and is a great way to get vitamins, fiber, and satisfy any sugar cravings you might have.
+ Brussels Sprouts:
These little guys made a huge resurgence in popularity over the past several years. On their own, they are full of vitamins C and K as well as tons of other nutrients! These sprouts are a great source of vegan protein, iron, and potassium. As delicious as they are cooked with bacon, the healthier option to eating them is roasted with some olive oil, sea salt, and pepper, or raw in a shaved brussels sprouts salad (I love adding dates to mine!).
+ Turmeric:
This bright yellow spice has so many health benefits! The main active ingredient in turmeric is curcumin, which has strong anti-inflammatory effects. It has also been shown to help prevent cancer, heart disease, and Alzheimer’s. This spice has been used in Indian cooking for centuries. If you’re new to using turmeric, try adding it to roasted vegetables or rice. Turmeric lattes have been gaining popularity recently as well – I like this recipe.
+ Sweet Potato:
One of my favorite sources of healthy carbs! I love a good roasted sweet potato or sweet potato fries (my absolute favorite! Make them healthier by making your own at home). Not only are sweet potatoes delicious, they’re insanely good for you. This superfood is chock full of vitamin B6, vitamin C, vitamin D, iron, magnesium, and potassium. They also provide your body with healthy carbs that give you energy without causing your blood sugar to spike. Make sure to include sweet potatoes in your fall recipes and at Thanksgiving dinner!
What are your favorite superfoods? xx
Such a interesting post and nice tips dear!
Mónica Sors
Great tips babe! Thanks for the inspiration! <3
X Merel
This post is great! I have been trying to go vegan this year! It is a slow process. I am already a vegetarian so this is perfect! Happy Halloween!
Natalie Gennaoui
Great tips dear 😉
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I have been eating so poorly but sweet potatoes and brussel sprouts are my favorite this season!
xoxo Falasha
Bite My Fashion
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Thanks for sharing, I had no clue apple was a super food. Definitely adding it to my diet!
Have a spooky Halloween 🙂
Thanks so much for the guide! Need to start eating more of these foods 🙂
These sound like awesome foods to eat!
Loving this super comprehensive yet concise list you put together Amy! 🙂 I’ve been loving brussels sprouts lately, and sweet potatoes are always so yummy too! Hahah and yes, pomegranates can be difficult, but the juice is soooo worth it! Thanks for rounding up this list! <3
XO, Elizabeth
I love superfoods and they are so easy to incorporate into your diet. I have tried and like all of the ones you mention above with the exception of tumeric. I can’t get over the bright yellow of it all but I know it is definitely good for you. I will have to try it again and mayby in a pill form. Lol! xoxo, Christine
Amazing blog post! Love this! I love super foods as well. This post is very informative!
Thanks for sharing!
Have a wonderful day!
Much love, Len
Love the foods you listed. Sweet potato is a staple in all of my salad bowls. I love pomegranate too, but hate peeling them lol!
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