Be Kind to Yourself

Something that’s been on my mind a lot lately is the concept of self-love. I’ll be the first to admit that I’m my own worst critic and a bit too self-deprecating at times. We’re so hard on ourselves, that sometimes we forget how important it is to be kind to yourself.
Be Kind to Yourself
I see it all the time – we criticize our bodies, our appearance, our performance, the list goes on. It doesn’t help that we’re told to be so many different things – sometimes conflicting, oftentimes straddling a fine line between “good” and “bad.”
You should be confident and assertive (too much means you’re arrogant, though). You should also be humble and gracious (but not too much). Be kind, but don’t let others walk all over you. Stand up for yourself, but don’t be a bully.
What I’ve learned over the years is that every rose has its thorn – meaning every quality has its good and bad sides. There is no character trait that is universally thought of as positive – so why are we always beating ourselves up over our flaws?
So now I’m trying to focus more on being kind to myself. I’ve shared before that for a long time I didn’t feel comfortable calling myself a blogger because I didn’t feel that I had earned the title. It made me realize that I needed believe in myself and celebrate small milestones more. It’s important to not beat ourselves up over every little thing. After all, can you really expect someone else to love you or believe in you if you don’t love yourself? There’s nothing wrong with being your own biggest fan.
What I’m NOT saying is to just completely give up and accept the status quo as it is. And herein lies the contradiction – it’s important to be self-aware, to reflect, and strive to be a better person. But at the same time we all need to practice a little more self-love.
xx, Amy
dress: majorelle | shoes: raye
photos: valorie darling
Love loved reading this post! Absolutely right on this one babe!! I will always be your biggest fan :)) keep being you!! xox, Adelina
Love you Adelina : ) you always make me smile. Thanks for the love and for being you! xx
Couldn’t agree more with you! Thanks for sharing this post because I think it’s extremely important for us to be kind and love ourselves 🙂 You also look amazing in that dress!
Thank you Mariann! That means a lot to me. So happy you enjoyed the post xx
Thanks for the motivation. Sometimes, I feel the same too. Anyway, I love the look. You’re beautiful and you should know your self worth. 🙂
Thanks for the sweet words Shaira! So happy you stopped by : ) cute blog btw! xx
such a pretty outfit 🙂
Love this post! We all need to be kinder to ourselves and we are so happy to read this! Thank you for the motivation and you look GORG!
Gem+Elli |
Thanks babes!! Means a lot coming from you!! xx
Reading this article felt like drinking camomile tea on a cold rainy day.. just what I needed and it’s so soothing. I’ve always cringed at the thought of myself being a “blogger” and I’ve always thought of it as just a smarter way to differentiate myself, but I guess hidden within it is a bit of fear and insecurity around not being able to fully “own it”…. but if we just loved ourselves a little more, gave ourselves a little more credit, a little more pat on the back… maybe it’s not so cringe worthy. After all, it’s precisely because of the loose definition of a blogger that has engendered such an open and diverse community of creatives trying to “make it”. We should embrace it instead if shying away from it!
Jessica || Cubicle Chic
Hey Jessica – that comparison to chamomile tea warmed my heart so much. You should be so proud of all that you do and everything you’ve accomplished! It’s not easy working a full time job (and the amazing one you have at that!) and managing a blog as professional and thoughtful as yours! Seriously, major props!! I totally think you can call yourself many different things… blogger being one of them. Thanks for reading and sharing your thoughts doll xx
What a gorgeous dress! And I love what you wrote, too! Sometimes we’re our own worst enemies and it’s really easy to doubt yourself and put yourself down, but if you believe in yourself that’s the most important thing!
The Fashion Barbie
So true! I honestly couldn’t agree more. Thanks for reading babe. xx
Obsessed with this outfit you looked absolutely gorg! It’d mean the world if you could check out my blog and let me know what you think! Much love Holly xo
Thanks! Super cute blog Holly 🙂 xx
Amy, I honestly love all these kinds of posts! Also, your rose dress is absolutely gorgeous, the low cut neckline makes it perfect for a night out 🙂
Yay, glad you liked the post Mel! More to come 🙂 thanks for reading girl! xx
you look awesome! love your instagram by the way 🙂
Aww thank you so much babe! Thanks for coming to visit the blog 🙂 xx
What an absolutely FABULOUS ensemble babe! Something I’d rock in a heartbeat!
I feel ya on this post… in my 20’s I cared too much about what others thought…now that I’m well into my 30’s I could give 2 effs! lol… Cheers to SELF LOVE and girl power!!! Happy Friday hun!
Xx- Julie | Haute Khuuture Blog
Amen, girlfriend!!! Thank you so much for reading and Happy Friday to you as well! xx
Love this inspirational post!! Thank you for sharing. 🙂
Thank YOU for reading babe! xx
One of the bets things we can do is be kind, and loving to ourselves as it in turn helps others be kinder, and mor loving to themselves. The way we treat ourselves is a benchmark for how we treat others, and vice versa.
Couldn’t agree more babe. Thanks for sharing that sentiment : ) xx
You’re look so pretty!! Lovely dress 🙂
You are such a blogger and have gone way above and crush that title girl! I love this post and you are right, we have to e confident and practice self love each day. This dress is gorgeous as are all the photos and I love those shoes too! xoxo, Christine
Thank you Christine, your comment was incredibly touching and means so much to me. Thank you for following along from the very beginning – I feel the exact same way about you and all that you have accomplished in a short amount of time!! xx
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