3 Easy Ways to Reduce Your Footprint on the Environment

3 Easy Ways to Reduce Your Footprint on the Environment | by The Luxi Look

With everything that is going on in the news now, I wanted to take a minute to address sustainability and influencer marketing. I think the environment is a really important topic on a lot of our minds. We could all do more to reduce our footprint that we are leaving on this planet. When it comes to being green and an influencer, it can get a little tricky. Of course it is possible to care about the environment and be an influencer for a living.  But I couldn’t help but notice how many aspects of influencer marketing are wasteful. And probably not so great for the environment.

To begin with, influencers are essentially promoting consumerism all the time. By definition, brands utilize influencers to “influence” their target audience to purchase and consume certain products. The downside of our convenience driven, on-demand culture is starting to show in our environment. The reality is, having everything available to buy at the click of a button, with 2 day shipping and free returns, is not great for our planet. I am someone who straddles the line between consumer and influencer.  Blogging on the side while maintaining a full time job gives me insight into a few different perspectives I might not otherwise have. I do feel guilt when I receive elaborate boxes of gifted products. Or when I only wear something once before giving it away.

As a disclaimer, this is not to bash on influencers in any way! I understand the market behind influencers, PR packages, gifted clothing, sponsored content – maybe a topic for another post – and am not implying in any way that it is bad or should not exist. I really wanted to take a moment and reflect on many of our purchase and consumption habits, and offer up simple ways to be less wasteful and a little more green. Some of my thoughts are more geared towards influencer marketing, but I think a more thoughtful approach to consumption is something we could all benefit from!

a dress that has a country style to it in a mellow and mustardy yellow worn by a girl that is teaching how you can reduce your carbon footprint as an influencer

this girl is teaching how you can reduce your carbon footprint as an influencer

3 Easy Ways to Reduce Your Footprint As An Influencer

1. Say no to unnecessary gifted product

Yes, unboxing videos are fun, and who doesn’t love receiving presents in the mail? But at a certain point (you’ll know when your house starts to look like a UPS center), there is such a thing as too much product. Working with brands and sharing your favorite products is great and all.  But if you’re not using all of your beauty and skincare products, and you’re not even wearing everything you receive, it might be time to start cutting back and telling brands to limit the PR packages. It also feels wasteful when a brand sends their entire line of foundation or concealer. Obviously, one person cannot have every skin tone! Some brands have recently started including options for recycling unused product with their PR packages.  This is a move I love and can certainly get behind.

2. Conscious consumption

On a similar note, we all stand to benefit from looking at our closets and bathrooms. Let’s examine what we actually use and wear on a regular basis. By only buying items and clothing we actually use and practicing more conscious purchasing behaviors, we’ll be gentler on both our wallets and the environment. Eliminating or reducing your purchases at fast fashion retailers is a simple step as well you can take.

3. Consider renting clothing

Hey, there is absolutely zero shame in the rental game. I wrote a review about Rent the Runway’s Unlimited service a while back.  After taking a break and trying it out again, I have to say it has become greatly improved! The selection of designers and items on the platform continue to get better. If the chance of wearing the same dress as your coworker or best friend doesn’t sound so fun to you, never fear! A whole slew of new high-end rental companies are popping up.  Check out Fashaholic, Armarium, and Novo Octo. I’ve been using the Unlimited service for the last month and already rented some items I absolutely love – including this Ulla Johnson maxi dress that is wearable for both work and play.

a girl on a dress in an outfit that is yellow

this girl in a yellow dress is teaching how you can reduce your carbon footprint as an influencer

a girl in a yellow dress

What are your thoughts on incorporating more sustainability into your everyday life as a fashion girl?

Discussion about this post

  1. Thank you so much for sharing this post! There are definitely ways in which we can help to reduce our footprint on the environment, and I think you brought up a lot of really good points! 🙂 Thank you for always being so informative, babe!

    XO, Elizabeth T.

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