How to Stay Grounded

How to Stay Grounded | by The Luxi Look

The other day I was scrolling through Instagram and came across comments about how bloggers and influencers can seem out of touch with reality. Not trying to hate or talk sh*t, having met so many girls that blog full time I can speak to how real and genuine many of them are. A lot of girls are hustling and working HARD to create content and provide value through it. However, there is some truth behind this observation as it can seem like bloggers “do nothing” all day and don’t work “a real job.” Yes, it isn’t your traditional 9-to-5, but it can be a career in its own right. And a lucrative one at that.

Just do a quick Google search and you’ll find out how much some girls are charging for a single Instagram post. It’s enough to make you wonder, WTF am I doing with my life?! It also explains why it seems like more and more people are joining the race everyday to become an “influencer.” But it’s a lot like any other creative endeavor – acting, modeling, music. It’s a grind until you make it. I know I have felt myself getting sucked up in the competitive nature of blogging and wondering why I don’t have every “it” big, a nicer car, an endless closet, etc.

That said, I think staying grounded is so important. Reminding myself that material things don’t matter, social media is not necessarily real life, and at the end of the day I have so many things to be grateful for. When I find myself comparing myself to others or having a particularly tough day, I always try to ground myself in the moment and practice gratitude.

What does it mean to be grounded?

To me, being grounded is the ability to be present in the moment. It’s almost like a sense of calmness. Combining self-awareness, gratitude, and appreciation. It’s having a strong sense of your values and knowing how to stay true to them. Being grounded, down to earth, and in touch with reality were values that were instilled in me growing up in the Midwest. Moving to LA was definitely a cultural shock, it seemed like your worth was measured by the things you had and not always by the kind of person you are.

There is nothing wrong with liking nice things. But at the end of the day material things have been proven to not bring lasting joy into our lives. The benefits of staying grounded? It reduces stress. Also, it allows us to have more meaningful interactions with those in our lives, and reminds us how much we have to be grateful for.

woman sitting outside a store and sharing How to Stay Grounded

woman wearing vici and sharing How to Stay Grounded

woman wearing sweater

How to Stay Grounded

+ Pay attention to your surroundings

It’s become so hard to just be present and in the moment. It seems like we are all so busy and rarely have time anymore to just do nothing and enjoy what is in front of us. Putting your phone away and dedicating your complete attention to the people you’re with is a great way to be present. We could all probably use a bit of technology detox.

+ Listen to what others are saying

Being a good listener is a valuable skill that is useful in every relationship. So often, people just want to be heard. By giving them the time and space to speak and by truly listening, you’re giving one of the greatest gifts. It’s a great reminder of how doing something that is seemingly so small can make a big impact. A great reminder that by letting go of your own ego you are allowing someone else to feel valued.

+ Focus on your values

Think about what really matters to you. Of course, this varies for everyone. But when it really comes down to it, most people will align on some combination of the following – family, friends, a meaningful life, giving back, doing good in the world. Let these values be your north star in all of the decisions you make.

+ Breathe

The benefits of meditation are well known at this point. It’s not only good for your mental and emotional state, it’s also been proven to have positive physical benefits. Taking the time to breathe deeply and commit to a practice is an easy way to ground yourself (literally!).

+ Give back

Whether it’s time or money. Giving back to our community and those in need is one of the best things you can do. It reminds us of how lucky you are. Even just one day a month! Volunteering your resources allow you to realize that the things you take for granted make other people so happy. Also, it shows that you have so much to be thankful for.

happy woman and sharing How to Stay Grounded
woman standing outside a restaurant
This outfit is from vici | by The Luxi Look
This outfit is from vici

5 Discussion to this post

  1. Briana says:

    Such a sweet look! This is so important!


  2. Elizabeth T. says:

    Yes, it’s important to stay grounded and to be present! Thank you so much for the reminder, Amy! It really can be hard to remember this sometimes, since we’re always so busy with our everyday lives and trying to get things done!

    XO, Elizabeth T.

  3. Paula says:

    I think this is sooo important! No matter where you are, is always important to be humble and don’t forget your true esence. Love this post!

  4. I absolutely love that cardigan! Beautiful photos, too. I agree, it’s important to stay grounded in your every day life, especially if you have any type of success.

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