Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About the Healing Powers of CRYSTALS

Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About the Healing Powers of CRYSTALS | by The Luxi Look

By now I’m sure you’ve come across crystals. You’re probably wondering what the deal with them is. You might be thinking, “how can people actually believe these rocks have healing powers?”.

However, I was super skeptical too.

So, if you told me a few years ago when I moved to LA that I would be writing a post about the healing powers of crystals, I would have laughed and said absolutely no way. I’m not going to lie, the crystal obsession in LA is real. So, I had to see for myself what all the fuss was about.

First, do they really have magical properties? Second, is there something behind them I’m missing? So, let’s set the record straight once and for all – what’s the deal with crystals, and do they actually have healing powers?

The Healing Powers of CRYSTALS

The history of using them for healing:

Harnessing the healing powers of crystals is not a new phenomenon. Crystals are referenced throughout history in ancient societies and noted for their healing properties. Crystals were also valued in ancient societies for their beauty and value. Ancient Egyptians used various crystals to protect themselves from evil and to improve their health.

Ancient Greeks would wear crystal amulets to protect themselves. Jade jewelry has also been incredibly popular in China for centuries as a healing crystal. Their use has been documented across different societies and religion. The concept of crystal healing came from a belief that different gemstones possessed healing properties and could bring about physical and emotional improvements.

Recently, crystals have grown in popularity with the rise of New Age culture and crystal therapy (placing crystals on different parts of the body). And then of course, crystals can be incorporated in many different ways. Many people admire the beautiful stones and enjoy having them around their home for decorative purposes or to wear as jewelry.

glass shelves of Healing Powers of CRYSTALS

Different types of crystals & their healing powers

First, crystals are believed to possess natural energy that balance your mind, body, and soul. Second, they are believed to be especially powerful with setting and manifesting our intentions. Lastly, each gemstone possesses different purposes and healing powers. The most powerful healing crystals include:

+ Rose Quartz

Known as a “love stone,” rose quartz removes negative energy and relationships and has a calming effect. Use it to enhance love in all areas of your life.

+ Citrine

This is a popular stone to meditate with as it helps to improve focus and bring mental clarity into our lives. If you’re looking to get things done, especially professionally, gravitate towards citrine.

+ Lapis Lazuli

This mystical blue crystal releases anxieties and improves communication.

+ Clear Quartz

Quartz is a universal crystal, suitable for everyone. Clear quartz is pure and powerful. This stone is over favored for its powerful and positive energy.

+ Amethyst

Use this powerful stone for for getting rid of negative energy. In particular, “energy vampires” – or the things that suck up your energy in life.

wood shelves with Healing Powers of CRYSTALS

Do crystals really have healing powers? My two cents.

So, the healing crystals are largely attributed to the New Age movement. The concept of crystal therapy is often discarded as pseudoscience with no proven scientific benefits. Also, it certainly does fall more into the mystical and alternative realm than scientific. Moreover, you may not believe in crystal healing – and that’s ok. If you do, I’m for that as well. When I’ve gone through tough phases in life, I’ve found myself gravitating towards crystals. Not so much for their healing powers, but because they signify positive intentions to me.

Many people tie their affirmations and positive mantras to crystals. So, choosing different affirmations for different gemstones may need lead to actual physical or emotional healing – but it can serve as a daily reminder of our goals and intentions, which can be powerful. Perhaps you like to meditate with crystals to remind yourself to stay grounded and focused. Maybe keeping a citrine crystal at your desk reminds you to keep working towards your goals, or having rose quartz in your home serves as a reminder to take a deep breath and exhale love everyday.

What are your thoughts on crystals? Share it on the comments and follow me on Instagram.

See also: How to diffuse essential oils

9 Discussion to this post

  1. Elizabeth says:

    I remember a few years ago when crystals were so popular! 🙂 Almost everyone in my family has their homes decked out with cyrstals, especially amethyst! <3 Thanks for this great and informative post, babe!

    XO, Elizabeth

  2. Yeah, I’m not so sure they’re ‘healing’ per se, but I can see how they would bring positive vibes to you. It sure does it for me. They’re very pretty and enchanting.


  3. Kathryn says:

    Yep, I have definitely been seeing crystals everywhere! I personally don’t relate to seeing them as healing, but I think if you associate a crystal (or any identifying object really) with positive intentions, or a habit, it can be a helpful tool.

    Kathryn • simplykk.com

  4. Ohh girl this article is so interesting! I’ve grown up with my mom talking a bit about the properties of crystals and precious stones (we are from Peru), but only recently took interest in it. Very informative!

    Pinned it for future reference 🙂


  5. I feel the same way, I would have never thought I would even be into crystals. I’ve seen them a a lot and have always been curious so thank you for doing a post on this. I am not 100% sure they work, but I definitely don’t see the harm. So why not try them out and add the benefits to your life. So do you just buy them and put them around the house? I would totally get Citrine, Clear Quartz and Amethest. xoxo, Christine


  6. Jessica says:

    This sounds interesting. I can still remember when crystals were so popular back in the day, people were wearing it as bracelets, etc. I’m a little skeptical about their so called “powers” but hey, you can always wear them as cute accessories. No harm in that.

    Jessica | notjessfashion.com

  7. Jessi Malay says:

    Such an interesting post babe!! I’ve always wondered about crystals..I see so many cute crystal stores here in LA and have been wanting to go!! I love the Rose Quartz stone, I actually have a couple in my place!!

    XO, Jessi

  8. […] the law of attraction. To a certain extent, I’ve bought into it too – I’ll admit I love crystals and have my cards read from time to time. But after a certain point, the pragmatist in me keeps me […]

  9. Laylah Henry says:

    Love this! Thank you for sharing, I have always been a big advocate for crystals and I’m always telling my friends how amazing they are! I’ll be sharing this article! 🙂

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