All the Feels Around Female Superheroes and Empowerment

All the Feels Around Female Superheroes and Empowerment | by The Luxi Look

You guys. I saw a movie this week in the theater, the first time I’ve gone all year. And I cried. A lot. Not super proud of this. But when I got home and went on the internet, I realized I wasn’t alone. In fact, tons of people on the internet were admitting to crying during the movie.

Some of you may already know this, but during the week I work a full time job in the entertainment industry. I won’t bore you with the details of my work, but I do want to touch upon this time of year and the movies that are coming out. Now that we’re into summer blockbuster season, all of the studios are putting their best foot forward out with their biggest movies of the year, hoping for massive hits. So I like to think that when I see movies in the theater I’m just doing my job ; ).

All the Feels Around Female Superheroes and Empowerment | by The Luxi Look

All the Feels Around Female Superheroes and Empowerment

When I first saw the trailer for Wonder Woman I wasn’t really all that impressed. I’ve seen my fair share of superhero movies (again, just doing market research!) and while they’re consistently ok to enjoyable, they never really blew me away. From a business and consumer perspective, I understood the appeal of a female superhero and applauded Hollywood’s decisions to finally give Wonder Woman a chance on the silver screen and allow a female director, Patty Jenkins, to lead the charge.

What I didn’t expect was how much I would come to love the film, and how I found myself crying unexpectedly less than 10 minutes into the film. And again several times again later on in the film. What was happening?!

Hoping I wasn’t the only one that had this strange reaction to seeing Gal Gadot fight the bad guys in Wonder Woman, I searched Google high and low for the following: “why did Wonder Woman make me cry?

All the Feels Around Female Superheroes and Empowerment

All the Feels Around Female Superheroes and Empowerment | by The Luxi Look

This article summed up my thoughts perfectly.

Representation is important. The overwhelming dominance of men (and particularly white men) in powerful roles throughout cinema and in media generally is taken for granted, and we don’t even realize the absence of other people — and how it affects us in real life to see or not see images that reflect us on-screen.

Why should these stories — and the telling of them — be the exclusive province of men? Women are bursting into tears in theaters because they didn’t even know how much they wanted and needed this.

If girls and women can see themselves depicted as powerful women in their own right (as opposed to being the girlfriend or wife of a main character), it makes an impact. 

So. Many. Feels.

I get that this isn’t a big deal for everyone – but the reaction many are having to the film is incredibly powerful. Seeing Wonder Woman as such a strong, inspiring character on the screen and then seeing that translating into the film’s incredibly box office success speaks volumes about the state of the industry. The reactions and conversations that have come as a result of this film is also tremendous. For me, the film really resonated with me on a personal level, especially when I think about the kind of space I want my blog to be. I’m beyond proud to be part of communities of strong, driven girl bosses – from the blogging community, to the media and entertainment industries, to my best friends from college.

A preppy orange jumpsuit by The Luxi Look

What many people don’t realize is how empowering fashion can be.

How what you wear can be a direct reflection of your mood and personality and how fun it is to express yourself through your outfit. BTW – Wonder Woman’s uniform was on. point. 

My style continues to evolve – but I always tend to gravitate towards bright colors, patterns, and prints (with a scattering of neutrals). Bright colors make me happy, they’re the sometimes much needed reminder to be positive, look on the bright side, and always remember to create my own sunshine.

That’s why I continue to love pieces from Australian line Mister Zimi. I’m wearing the Charlie jumpsuit in red, but I also love it in this print and this print.

What makes you feel strong and empowered?

xx, Amy

necklace: sticks + stones

jumpsuit: mister zimi | necklace: sticks + stones

jumpsuit: mister zimi | necklace: sticks + stones

16 Discussion to this post

  1. Agnes B says:

    That color is gorgeous!

    Agnes x


  2. Jessica says:

    First off, what a stunning jumpsuit. I love the color and fit! I have been intrigued by Wonder Woman too. I need to watch it!!

    Jessica |

  3. What a fun post! And I’m obsessed with that jumpsuit and how you styled it 🙂

    Love, Lindsey

  4. Dhwani says:

    Stunning jumpsuit Amy!! Still gotto watch Wonderwoman, but promise to share about it.. Ill make sure to take along a box of tissues tho😂
    Love the post, xo


  5. Paulina says:

    I’m glad you touched base about this. I actually saw the movie last week and loved it. I share all the feels about the women empowerment and Gal Gadot is my new babe crush! However, when we left the movie theater with my boyfriend, he still pointed out one thing. Granted, he usually finds a lot of criticism in each movie we watch, but I was surprised to hear that he had none for this movie. The only thing he mentioned was the fact sometimes he felt like it was Chris Pine’s movie, since he got a lot of screen time. I don’t know what you think, but he may have a point here. I guess it’s still baby steps for us women. Slowly but surely! Regardless, Wonder Woman was such a beautiful movie to watch and a great message to share!

    Much love from Napa Valley!

    Paulina | Shenska

  6. Elizabeth says:

    Aww I watched the movie over the weekend, and I was very touched as well! 🙂 I loved how a woman was finally represented in media as a strong individual who’s able to forge her own path! I’m glad to know that I wasn’t the only one who was touched by the movie! <3

    XO, Elizabeth

  7. yuka says:

    love this red dress on you! and the necklace is the perfect accessory to compliment it. Also, now I know I HAVE to watch that movie. It sounds amazing!

  8. Simi says:

    I love the whole outfit 🙂 The red color suits you a lot and a necklace is great accessory as well ♥

  9. Alyssa says:

    After Christian Bale’s Batman ended, ALL DC superhero movies has been terrible! And I grew loving up DC Comics and movies, not Marvel, so it’s really been disappointing for me. But I’m so glad they got back in the game and with a female superhero! 🙂 Anyway, I love your jumpsuit, very cute look.

    ❤️ Alyssa // STYLE VANITY

  10. Andreea says:

    Ugh. I still didn’t get the chance to watch it, but in the meanwhile, what I have to say is that this color looks amazing on you! Have a great day! xx


  11. sepatuholig says:

    I didnt cry at all! even the last part… I feel like I want to kick as*!!! oh my… I need anger management …

  12. I haven’t seen the movie yet, but I agree with you when it comes to superhero movies and the entertainment industry. Btw, I think it is absolutely ok to cry. Even if it’s because of a movie… I cry at movies all the time and not afraid to admit it. We all have a soft and sensitive side, as well as a powerful and badass side, and we shouldn’t feel ashamed of showing any of them.

    What makes me personally feel empowered? Fashion, just like you said, plus makeup, music and being constantly creative. I recently quit my full time job just because I was feeling it was soul sucking, boring and I wasn’t doing much creative stuff anymore. Now, even though I have to hussle to find clients and metaphorically wear more hats than I ever did, I feel so empowered to run my own business and give it my all. It’s empowering, to me, to be able to call myself a “girl boss”, and I take it very seriously 🙂

    Much love <3
    Kay |

    • Amy Zhang says:

      Get. It. Girl!!!! Thank you for sharing your story with me – I can just feel your energy and passion and know it will take you so far. Congratulations on taking that big, scary leap! I’ll definitely be following along. And agree – it’s totally ok to cry! I think of it as a healthy, therapeutic way to release emotions. xx

  13. Jamie says:

    Amy! I love this so much!
    “How what you wear can be a direct reflection of your mood and personality and how fun it is to express yourself through your outfit” so much.
    A huge part of why I love fashion. Thanks for sharing. I love reading your posts. You’re an inspiration to me.

    xo Jamie

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