Blogger Lisa Linh on Passion, Hustle, and Patience

Meet Blogger Lisa from By Lisa Linh
Introduce yourself and your blog.
My name is Lisa Linh and I’m a lifestyle, fashion, and travel blogger based in Los Angeles. By Lisa Linh was started in 2014 and is dedicated to inspiring, motivating, and encouraging readers to follow their dreams. My blog specializes in lifestyle editorials with topics allowing me to focus on vulnerability and honesty in everything that I write/publish.
How did you get into blogging? You used to work full time – how did you make the transition from that into blogging full time?
I’m a writer first before anything else, so when blogging was introduced, I immediately jumped on using Blogger/Blogspot, then WordPress, and now my website lives on Squarespace. Creative writing is what I love best and combined with my interest in fashion, thanks to my aunt and grandfather, I was able to combine the two together.
I worked in the corporate world for over 10 years and quit April 2015. It was a decision I made unexpectedly and one I didn’t plan for, as I didn’t have a back-up plan, savings account, or family I could fall back on. I was on my own and that hit me harder than ever, realizing I had no excuses and no one else to blame but myself for failures. This ignited my passion even more and despite working more than I used to, I’m happier than ever and cannot complain about a thing.
What’s your favorite part of your job?

Your messages and posts are always so powerful and badass. Where do you find your inspiration?
I’ve gone through a lot of shit growing up, not anything too crazy but I suffered a lot of emotional damage. The inspiration honestly just comes from all the crap I went through and overcome. I try to be as transparent as possible with my followers and let them know that they are not alone – in whatever battle they are fighting. (<< love, love, love this!)
What does a typical week look like for you?
It honestly changes every week. Sometimes I have showroom appointments, events, and end up chained to my desk editing photos, creating proposals, answering emails, etc. Other weeks, I’m traveling, hotel hopping, or on the road shooting an editorial for the blog.
Any advice for girls that are trying to do the same thing?
3 key words: passion, hustle, and patience. (<<SOTRUE!!) You need all three to survive because this business doesn’t grow overnight and you need thick skin to handle the bullshit that accompanies any career you get into – especially fashion!

How do you find balance and manage your time?
I’m still trying to learn how to manage my time better, but balance is easy. If I’m uninspired, exhausted, and not feeling it overall – I stop. I don’t force myself to write because I know the blog post will be half-assed and that’s not my style. I learned to worry less about the amount I produce and focus more on making sure I feel 100% about anything I publish. Also, I have an amazing and supportive group of friends and boyfriend that remind me to relax here and there 🙂
(Totally obsessed with this self-love message and couldn’t agree more – it’s ok to feel uninspired and give yourself a break!!)
You’ve been traveling a lot this year! Any favorite destinations?
Cabo is one I would love to revisit, that was hands down the best birthday I ever had. Miami is always gorgeous and fun! Canada will be a first for me as I’m heading out there soon so can’t wait for that trip. Asia at the end of the year is the big one that I’m looking forward to the most!
What’s on your travel bucket list?
How do you stay healthy when you travel?
What are you most excited about right now?

Time managing can be really difficult, as a blogger it’s really hard to make time for everything. And how can you work out even when traveling? I always get lazy when being on holiday. Have a lovely week! xx
I always love to get to know other bloggers! Thank you so much for this little introducing 🙂
Have a great start into your week <3
xx, Carmen –
Love this new series you’re doing interviewing fellow blogger babes!! I always find it so interesting to learn more about how they got into blogging and how they find their inspiration!! Hope you’re having an amazing week love <3
XO, Jessi
Loving this week’s post about influential bloggers 🙂 Lisa is definitely an inspiring figure, and I love her mantra, both for her career and for life! 🙂 Passion, hustle, and patience really are the keys to getting anything done, no matter what industry you’re in! <3 Thank you so much for sharing this great post, Amy! Definitely helped to brighten up my Monday!
XO, Elizabeth
You look so chic in every outfit! Stunningly gorgeous. 😍
Stay in Style
Karen @ Lookbook Store Blogspot
Amazing post and blog! I will definitely check Lisa’s blog for more inspiration 🙂 Love the interview series on your blog, I am always happy to read how other bloggers manage their time tasks and succeed in what they do!
Thanks for sharing and have a great week!
Great post, thanks for sharing!
This is such a great post!!
Thanks for sharing a little bit about yourself! Love getting to know fellow bloggers.
Itzy l Instagram
Really enjoyed reading this interview you did with Lisa. 🙂 I met with her before.. and she definitely is passionate and hustles really hard. It’s always nice to find inspiring bloggers in your local area.
What a great post! I loved reading it. Passion and patience absolutely, but hustling hits home on how accurately true that is.
xo Jamie